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Jessica Earns Praise for Exposing Meghan Markle's Royal Deception On Air, Revealing Insights into Diana's World

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Jessica Earns Praise for Exposing Meghan Markle's Royal Deception On Air, Revealing Insights into Diana's World

Meghan Markle's old best friend Jessica Malone appears to have gently brought up her royal connections. In a curious move, Canadian fashion stylist Jessica Morrone posted a photo of herself with her mother-in-law, Mila Morrone, beside King Charles and Princess Diana on her Instagram account.

Malone's post seems to be a kind caution to the Duchess of Sussex, highlighting her close relationship to the Royal Family in a subtle way. According to rumours, Morrone knew Meghan before the former Hollywood star wed Prince Harry, so it's possible that she knows a lot about her. 

There's a possibility she could reveal some truths about Meghan, who has claimed she knew very little about the royal family before meeting Harry.  Meghan has repeatedly stated that she was largely ignorant of royal family matters before her relationship with Prince Harry, appearing unaware of royal etiquette, indifferent to paying respect to the late Queen, and disinterested in researching anything about the royal family on Google. However, Jessica Morrone's connections tell a different story.

Jessica, although not as well-known, certainly has influential connections. She recently revealed her family's ties to the British royal family on Instagram. Her father-in-law, Brian Morrone, hosted Prince Charles, Princess Diana, and the late Queen on their formal visits to Canada. In addition, Jessica's spouse, Ben, had dinners with the royal family when he was younger.

Given that Jessica is one of Meghan's closest friends, one would assume that a few questions might have been in order, especially when you consider Meghan's past actions. For instance, nearly 30 years ago, she was photographed outside Buckingham Palace. Did she think it was the Prime Minister's residence? Highly unlikely. Moreover, Meghan effusively praised Prince William and Kate's wedding in 2014, which contradicts her claim of having zero interest in the royal family.

The real bombshell comes from Jessica Morrone's revelations. She shared photos of her in-laws hosting dinners for the royal family. If you were Meghan's best friend, wouldn't you want to know everything about the Royals? Conveniently, Meghan never sought this information from Jessica.

Let's not forget Prince Harry's attempt to defend Meghan, stating that she knew nothing about the royal family and hadn't even Googled them. With Megan's BFF's family practically having tea with the Royals every Sunday, it's hard to believe that Meghan remained blissfully ignorant.

The evidence is clear: Meghan's portrayal of her ignorance about the royal family may not be as believable as a fairy tale. Her past actions, her best friend's revelations, and her own words from years gone by paint a different picture. The next time you hear Meghan Markle spinning a tale of royal cluelessness, take it with a grain of salt, as the truth may be far from what it seems.

Returning to Jessica's picture, it features her in-laws, Brian and Mila, as they hosted Prince Charles and Princess Diana on an official visit to Ottawa. In the caption of the picture, Mila was praised for being incredibly stylish, with Jessica wholeheartedly agreeing. It wasn't the family's first close encounter with the Royals, as Brian and Mila reportedly hosted the late Queen Elizabeth in Vancouver in 1987 during her official tour of Canada at a Commonwealth meeting. Jessica's husband, Ben, even attended a dinner with the monarch as a child.

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