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Furious Lady Colin Campbell Leaks Massive Proof in Latest Interview: Meghan Markle's Fake Pregnancy Exposed

Furious Lady Colin Campbell Leaks Massive Proof in Latest Interview: Meghan Markle's Fake Pregnancy Exposed

The whole Meghan Markle pregnancy controversy, and who better to stir the pot than the always outspoken Lady Colin Campbell? Now, if you're not familiar with Lady C, she's essentially British high society's no-nonsense truth-teller, unfiltered and unapologetic. This time around, the outspoken aristocrat is serving up some hot takes about how everyone missed the boat when it came to questioning Meghan's pregnancy. 

So, according to Lady C, the royal family completely dropped the ball when it came to scrutinizing Meghan's suspicious pregnancy. Can you believe it? I mean, we're talking about one of the most famous and scrutinized families in the world, and somehow Meghan managed to pull the wool over their eyes. Lady C basically says the royal family was asleep at the wheel while Meghan ran her whole grift.

Just imagine, this American actress waltzes into one of the most prestigious families in the world, and no one bothers to question anything she says. Lady C says the royal family took Meghan at her word on every claim, including something as major as birthing an heir to the throne. Lady C's scorching hot take is that Meghan is a dominating hustler whose game plan is that of a lone wolf operative. In other words, Meghan never intended to assimilate into the royal family. She just wanted to use them to advance her own interests and schemes.

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