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Joel Creasey Reveals Meghan Markle's Alleged Threat to Arrest Him After Attempting to Leave Her Event

Joel Creasey Reveals Meghan Markle's Alleged Threat to Arrest Him After Attempting to Leave Her Event

As you may know, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have faced frequent scrutiny from critics who accuse them of hypocrisy and of using their royal titles for personal gain. A recent incident involving Australian comedian Joel Creasey sheds new light on how Meghan handles criticism. 

According to Joel, back in 2016, before she met Harry, Meghan invited him to host one of her lifestyle blog, The Tig's, events in Melbourne. Joel accepted the invitation, but as the event date neared, he began having doubts. Meghan became increasingly difficult to deal with over email, micromanaging every detail. Her entitled attitude rubbed Joel the wrong way, and not wanting the stress, he tried to politely withdraw by saying her requests were too much for a small comedy gig.

That's when Meghan allegedly snapped. She threatened to have him arrested if he didn't show up. Joel was stunned that a complete stranger would wield their power so inappropriately. Meghan seemed to view herself as above facing any consequences. Joel decided to go public with his story as a warning to others about Meghan's true personality behind closed doors. He believes she uses people for self-promotion but tosses them aside if they don't comply blindly with her demands. This entitled behavior greatly contrasts with her image as a champion of women's empowerment.

While the threats of arrest seem excessive, even for her, they fit with other reports about Meghan's controlling nature. Former palace staff have revealed she subjected them to ridiculous demands and even bullying at times. One aide said they were regularly berated to the point of tears. Some wonder if Meghan struggled with the lack of control after joining the royal family with its strict protocols. She allegedly clashed frequently with palace officials while trying to modernize centuries-old traditions on her terms. Her attempts to dictate terms behind the scenes ultimately backfired.

Another source alleged that when plans didn't go Meghan's way, she would give the full silent treatment to punish those responsible. However, within the royal sphere, staff weren't obligated to tolerate such abusive behavior. After repeated issues, Meghan and Harry's private secretary, in particular, reportedly had enough of the drama. Their decision to abruptly step down as senior working royals in 2020 is thought to be partly due to Meghan feeling constrained.

She markets herself now as rising above conventions to champion causes on a global scale, but some argue this is just rebranding after repeatedly running afoul of guidelines. Meanwhile, it hasn't stopped the couple from leveraging their royal titles excessively to line their pockets with lucrative Netflix and Spotify deals worth over $100 million. While advocacy is admirable, many feel they can't have it both ways—using dignified titles to make money while constantly attacking the very institution that gave them a platform.

Their actions frequently contradict the image of a couple simply wanting privacy. Just look at all the publicity surrounding their explosive interview with Oprah. The royals are not able to speak back and correct misleading claims for legal reasons, leaving a one-sided narrative. Their self-promotion through friends like Oprah's pal Gayle King also raises eyebrows.

Joel's story suggests there's truth to other reports of Meghan's volatile personality and demand for control. While she preaches empowering women, she seems threatened by even minor criticism. Perhaps joining the regimented royal family was never a good fit if she truly wants freedom to operate without filters or oversight.

Only time will tell if the couple finds long-term success independently or if the public grows tired of perceived hypocrisy. For now, Joel's brave decision to share his experience provides a new perspective on Meghan's character beyond the curated image she tries to project. It further shows we shouldn't blindly accept everything we hear from high-profile figures without question. 

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