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Piers Morgan Exposes Meghan Markle's Alleged Nigerian Plot Against Monarchy as She Ditches Prince Harry and UK Visit

Piers Morgan Exposes Meghan Markle's Alleged Nigerian Plot Against Monarchy as She Ditches Prince Harry and UK Visit

We're about to uncover the most shameless and unconscionable fraud ever to infiltrate the Royal family. You won't believe the lengths this deceitful duo will go to attack the monarchy from within. So, by now, you've probably heard the ridiculous reports that Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Deception, has scrapped her planned UK trip to supposedly discover her Nigerian roots. On the surface, this seems like another one of her desperate attempts to gain victimhood credentials and PR redemption. 

But thanks to my patriot inside source, a hero I'll call Deep Palace, I can definitively prove that this staged Nigerian heritage is a brazen act of psychological warfare against the crown itself. Meghan's sinister plot has been leaking all over the palace corridors, and even my man Piers Morgan has caught wind of this rotten charade. This brave truth-teller is sounding the alarm on Meghan's unrelenting crusade to torpedo the monarchy into oblivion.

Let's rewind the tapes to the bombshell Meghan dropped on that race-baiting podcast a while back. Out of nowhere, she declares she's over 40% Nigerian, based on some sketchy ancestral DNA test. A ludicrous genetic fairy tale that conveniently aligns with her self-serving oppression branding as a woman of color. Or should I say, woman of "con-lor"?

From that single seed of delusion, Meghan the Machiavellian has spun an entire false flag operation. This is designed to portray the royal family as racist, discriminatory villains once again. This Nigeria trip and her cartoonish new African princess persona are the perfect Trojan horses to smuggle that toxic narrative straight into the monarchy's heart.

Here's how the long con works: the second Meghan and her gullible cabana boy hubby Harry set foot in Nigeria, you can bet your last sovereign she'll embark on an international PR tour. She'll push her rediscovered heritage, pandering to the Nigerian people, draping herself in traditional garb, and exploiting the visuals for maximum pandering points.

All of this to fabricate the facade of a long-lost royal embracing her true ancestral homeland. From there, the woke mob messaging will kick into high gear with pointed digs at how the British royals rejected and repressed this profound side of her identity.

Tales of subtle microaggressions and exclusions from the unwelcoming, racist palace machine—all complete fiction, but delivered with her trademark feigned fragility to bait the outrage armies anew.

Before you know it, Meghan's ravenous media mob will descend on the monarchy in a frenzy of accountability crusade, accusing the royals of spitting in the face of her Nigerian culture and demonizing the self-proclaimed African queen.

No matter how hard they try to appease her, the rabid backlash will keep mounting, just as Meghan designed from day one. It's a scorched-earth publicity apocalypse lying in wait, all tied to that made-up Nigerian expedition.

You just know greedy, heartless Meghan is licking her punishingly over-lined lips at the thought of those royals squirming in the wake of her artificially stoked race scandal. After all, it plays perfectly into her branding as an oppressed duchess of color fighting the malevolent forces of the elite white establishment.

So, where is the royal family's survival instinct? This whole rancid Nigerian heritage stunt proves Meghan will stop at nothing to cannibalize the crown's integrity for profit. She's gone full "Via Kong" on their legacy.

So, I'm looking at you, King Charles. Yes, you, the newly minted monarch too timid to stand up to this American viper. It's time to remove the velvet gloves and defang this insurgent duchess before she buries the monarchy in an inescapable PR bunker of her own hate-fueled design.

Strip them of their titles permanently, cut off all access, and abolish their free propaganda rail into the palace gossip circuit. To do anything less is to surrender the kingdom itself into Meghan's megalomaniacal clutches.

Don't let this audacious Nigerian royalty sham be the fatal Trojan horse that breaches the monarchy's ancient walls and razes its legacy to rubble. You have the sovereign power to exile these poisonous leeches from the royal order with a mere utterance.

So, speak those banishment words already, and may God save the downtrodden king from Meghan's twisted ambitions. There it is, my friends—the sickening truth about Meghan's staged Nigerian homecoming and its place in her larger plot to overthrow the monarchy through oppression fantasy theatrics.

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