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Netflix Scraps Meghan Markle's Cooking Show After Martha Stewart Opts Out

Netflix Scraps Meghan Markle's Cooking Show After Martha Stewart Opts Out

Meghan Markle’s culinary ambitions have been the subject of much speculation and gossip, but recent developments have served up a dish of failure with a side of embarrassment. According to sources, Meghan’s much-hyped cooking show has been canceled by Netflix before a single episode was even filmed. If you’re wondering why, the answer seems to be a perfect storm of arrogance, poor ratings, and a touch of bad luck.

It appears that Meghan’s cooking show never got off the ground due to a severe case of celebrity repulsion. In a surprising twist, not a single famous chef was willing to associate their brand with Meghan Markle. Netflix, in a desperate bid to salvage the project, reportedly offered a significant sum to Martha Stewart to appear as a guest star. However, Stewart turned them down flat, citing that she wasn’t about to work with Meghan, whose reputation for being difficult and arrogant had preceded her.

Stewart’s decision to stay away from Meghan’s project is particularly telling. When a legendary figure like Martha Stewart, who has cultivated a successful lifestyle brand and is a self-made billionaire, opts out, you know the situation is dire. The show’s demise seems almost inevitable, especially considering the lackluster reception of Meghan and Harry’s previous documentary, which bombed in the ratings. Netflix clearly wasn’t keen on pouring more money into a show that, by all accounts, was destined to flop.

Last month, it was reported that Meghan had completed filming for a cooking and lifestyle show. According to a Hollywood source, “It all went well, and it’s in the can.” However, the reality of the situation appears to be far from the optimistic spin being put out. If recent gossip is to be believed, this is just another case of Meghan manifesting delusions. The whispers about Sony being involved and Netflix potentially having a first right of refusal suggest that the streaming giant might have simply said, “No thanks.” 

The notion that Meghan might have been filming a pilot to shop around is amusing, especially given her track record with the constant dream of desperate manifesting and self-promotion. It seems like Meghan’s shows are becoming the stuff of tabloid legend, something that only fuels the skepticism surrounding her endeavors.

To add a touch of poetic justice to the saga, Martha Stewart has been living it up in Paris with Snoop Dogg, grabbing Instagram clicks and soaking up the glamorous lifestyle. The fact that Stewart wouldn’t even consider Meghan’s show is a testament to her own high standards. The Latin proverb “aquila non captat muscas”—an eagle doesn’t catch flies—seems particularly apt here. Martha Stewart has no need to associate with Meghan Markle when she’s already soaring with the likes of Snoop Dogg.

Stewart, who has built an empire and a lifestyle brand from the ground up, clearly doesn’t need the hassle of working with someone whose credibility is rapidly declining. Even her plastic surgery, often subject to media scrutiny, is apparently seen as more successful than Meghan’s attempts at reinvention.

The truth is that Meghan’s cooking show has turned into a public relations nightmare. With failed attempts to collaborate with high-profile chefs and a lack of credibility, it’s no wonder that the project has been scrapped. Meghan’s efforts to court celebrity chefs and secure a successful show have been marred by a lack of pulling power and the constant turndowns she has faced.

In the end, Meghan Markle’s cooking show is proving to be a case study in how not to launch a celebrity project. The mix of arrogance, poor planning, and a touch of delusional manifesting has led to a show that, thankfully, never made it past the starting line. As Meghan continues to struggle with her image and public perception, it’s clear that her culinary aspirations are just another failed venture in a series of missteps.

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