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Meghan Markle Stirs Controversy at Girls Inc Event with Claims of Being 'Most Bullied

Meghan Markle Stirs Controversy at Girls Inc Event with Claims of Being 'Most Bullied

Meghan Markle is once again leveraging the topic of children to promote herself and reinforce her claims of being the ultimate victim of online bullying. Recently, Meghan proudly announced a partnership between the Archewell Foundation, Girls Inc., and Half the Story, aimed at helping young women navigate the complexities of the internet. While Oprah Winfrey and Melinda Gates have been notably silent on the issue, Meghan has made this a focal point of her agenda, promoting it as a way to protect young women online. However, it's difficult to ignore the underlying motive of censorship that seems to accompany Meghan’s initiatives.

It’s not the first time Meghan has been accused of using sensitive topics to further her personal brand. She’s faced multiple accusations of being a bully herself across two continents. Yet, here she is, once again claiming victimhood as a target of online criticism. It’s hard to believe her narrative, as it often feels more like an inability to handle warranted criticism on social media rather than true bullying. And the timing of this PR move, especially without public acknowledgment from Winfrey or Gates, raises questions. Did they even know she was launching this campaign?

A notable aspect of this announcement is the involvement of a personal videographer and photographer, capturing Meghan interacting with other people’s children. The glaring absence of her own children in these photos adds to the perception of hypocrisy. If she’s so protective of her own children’s privacy, why exploit others for public image? Meghan’s actions come across as part of her ongoing attempt to emulate royal behavior, but it feels more like cosplay than genuine concern.

This brings us to another important point: while Meghan frequently speaks about girls and young women, there’s an unsettling lack of focus on her own son, Archie. It's hard to miss how little we hear about him compared to her daughter, Lilibet. Is this just a matter of public relations, or does it reflect something deeper? Many observers feel Archie is relegated to a secondary role in the Sussex household. Meghan’s public image seems heavily skewed towards supporting girls and women’s causes, leaving young boys’ and men’s issues largely unaddressed. This could backfire in the future, as it sends a message that Archie’s experiences and challenges are less important.

In terms of public relations, Meghan’s hyper-focus on women’s issues, while admirable in some respects, risks alienating a broader audience. Schools and society are increasingly structured around how girls learn, while boys often face greater challenges in the classroom. Yet, Meghan’s focus remains exclusively on women and girls, which could create a perception that she’s indifferent to men’s issues.

The Sussex household dynamic also comes into question, with Meghan’s strong personality often overshadowing Harry. Reports and public appearances suggest she’s the one calling the shots, with Harry and Archie taking a backseat. This image of Meghan as the dominant figure only reinforces the idea that Archie is second to Lilibet in importance. If this dynamic continues, it wouldn’t be surprising if Archie one day speaks out about feeling like the “second-tier” child.

Family dynamics like this aren’t uncommon, even within royal families. Take Sweden, for example, where King Carl Gustaf has been open about his preference for his son over his daughters when it comes to the succession of the crown. These types of dynamics can lead to resentment and long-term family issues, and it seems Meghan may be setting herself up for similar challenges.

Beyond the family dynamics, there’s the matter of Meghan’s ongoing PR blunders. She consistently comes across as hypocritical, especially when it comes to her approach to children. While she insists on maintaining strict privacy for her own kids, she’s more than willing to use other people’s children to soften her public image. It’s difficult to take her seriously when there’s such a glaring double standard at play. She claims to be concerned about online bullying, yet engages in behavior that invites criticism. 

It’s also worth noting that Meghan insists on bringing her own photographer to events like these. This is something Royals traditionally do, but in their case, it’s part of promoting charitable causes and public service. Meghan, on the other hand, seems to be using these events as a way to enhance her personal brand, which makes it difficult for people to see her motives as purely altruistic.

Ultimately, Meghan Markle’s attempts to manage her public image through initiatives like this seem disingenuous. She’s trying to shield herself from criticism by aligning with worthy causes, but her actions often contradict her words. Royals can get away with certain public behaviors because they are seen as working for the greater good, but Meghan’s approach feels more self-serving.

In the end, Meghan’s ongoing PR struggles and her complicated relationship with public criticism will likely continue. Whether it’s her focus on girls and women to the exclusion of boys and men, her reluctance to share personal moments with her own children while using others for public appearances, or her refusal to engage with criticism constructively, Meghan’s image remains a point of contention. As always, her moves seem calculated to serve her own interests, rather than those of the causes she claims to support.

Meghan Markle is leading an initiative that centers on her, but others who are involved seem to be keeping their distance. They metaphorically "boat" to and from her island, hesitant to fully associate with her because of the toxicity she brings. While Meghan might label the criticism as bullying, it’s a matter of her using children to push her narrative of internet censorship, particularly when it comes to what she deems "misinformation"—which often involves claims of bullying against her. She aims to silence those who challenge her carefully curated image, wanting to shut down any dissenting opinions.

Her time as a royal was when reality hit hard for Meghan. It wasn’t as rosy as she hoped because people didn’t buy into her stories. Take, for instance, her claim about single-handedly changing the Proctor and Gamble soap campaign as a child. It's a diluted fantasy. Meghan has consistently claimed that her single letter, as an 11-year-old, changed the direction of a multi-million-dollar campaign. However, large companies do not change ad campaigns based on one complaint from a single child. If anything, her letter might have been part of a larger campaign that influenced the change, but Meghan likes to tell the story as though she was the sole hero.

Through her new initiative, Girls Inc., Meghan’s narrative continues. The program aims to equip girls with tools to navigate the digital landscape while fostering healthy relationships with social media. It tackles issues like body image, online safety, and mental health support—key issues for young people today. But this initiative, fronted by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Archwell Foundation, seems to overlook boys entirely. The focus is exclusively on girls, with boys seemingly left out of the conversation. One can’t help but question Prince Harry’s silence on this, especially considering he has a son of his own. Meghan’s message is clear: only girls matter.

What’s particularly concerning is that this initiative seems more about Meghan and Harry’s own digital well-being than that of others. Their desire for censorship seems rooted in silencing criticism aimed at them. While it’s clear that harmful content should be removed from the internet—such as glorification of violence—they seem more interested in erasing anything that doesn't align with their personal image.

Critics have noted that, despite being parents, Meghan and Harry don’t seem to care much about parents’ involvement in these issues. Yet, the greatest support for children in navigating the digital world will always come from home. No initiative, no matter how well-intentioned, can replace the influence of engaged parents.

In a Vanity Fair interview covering the project, Meghan once again painted herself as a victim. She claimed to be one of the most bullied people in the world. While she might receive a lot of criticism online, much of it stems from her actions, choices, and attitude towards her family, her husband's family, and her staff. Her lies, such as claiming she and Prince Harry were married before their official wedding by the Archbishop of Canterbury, have been debunked. And yet, Meghan often plays the victim while avoiding accountability for her actions.

Her relationship with Prince Harry seems to be another sore spot. Meghan’s manipulation of Harry’s curated online image is what drew her to him, as she admitted in their Netflix documentary. She fell for the version of Harry presented on Instagram, not the real person. This manipulation has cost Harry dearly—his long-standing friendships, family ties, and more. These relationships will likely never recover, and much of the blame lies with Meghan.

Meghan has also been accused of bullying staff across two continents. Rather than addressing these allegations, she deflects by claiming she’s the victim of bullying. She refuses to take accountability for her actions, which is critical for growth. Without it, Meghan remains emotionally stuck, perhaps at the level of a middle-schooler.

When it comes to their new initiative, Harry and Meghan seem to be missing the point. They’re asking young girls to visualize their "dream digital world," a utopian space where they’re empowered. But the reality is, no one has power over the internet. The internet is inherently flawed because humanity is flawed. Visualizing a perfect digital world is a waste of time—what they should be teaching is how to navigate and survive the often harsh realities of online spaces.

Despite the well-meaning intentions behind their initiative, it’s clear that Meghan and Harry are more concerned with controlling their image and narrative than truly helping others. If they were genuinely interested in the well-being of young people, they’d focus on teaching discernment and resilience, not censorship.

It seems like Meghan Markle is constantly seeking attention, loudly advocating for her initiatives, even when they don’t seem to resonate much. For example, Melinda Gates has recently given $2 billion to expand women's power and influence. While this is a significant contribution, some feel that the narrative around women’s empowerment is a bit forced. Women today have access to all the opportunities available, and the real challenge might be that men and women often choose different paths because of their natural differences. Yet, some initiatives seem to push the idea that women need to be molded into something they aren't, and vice versa for men. 

Pivotal Ventures, Melinda Gates' foundation, seems to be the key player in the arena, along with Oprah Winfrey. But when it comes to Meghan and Harry's Archwell Foundation, there’s barely any mention of it. It’s as if their contributions are minuscule in comparison. And even though Harry and Meghan might be involved, they are clearly the tiniest of players in this massive field. If this were a scenario about fish, Melinda and Oprah would be the great white sharks, while Meghan would be a mere minnow. The scale of their involvement is just not comparable.

One recurring theme is Meghan’s need to soften her image, and she’s using various initiatives to do so. But online censorship also seems to be on her agenda, as she frequently claims she's being bullied, especially in response to critical stories. However, criticism is part of life, and most people understand that being in the public eye means facing it. But Meghan, it seems, can’t handle failure. She continually grasps at new projects to cover up shortcomings, never quite addressing her own issues.

The one piece of advice I would give to Meghan is simple: Stop chasing distractions. Focus on real work. Get your projects, like American Riviera Orchard, up and running successfully. This initiative, just like the dozen others we've seen, will be hyped for a brief moment and then forgotten, largely because Meghan and Harry aren’t great at maintaining the momentum of their endeavors. If they can’t exploit a story or situation to their advantage, it quickly fades from the public eye.

Meghan’s focus seems more on generating positive PR for herself than actually caring deeply about the causes she champions. Yes, she might care about these initiatives on some level, but it’s evident that her primary concern is how they make her look. Meanwhile, her daughter, Lilibet, appears to be at the center of Meghan’s world, while Archie often seems forgotten. Harry even wore a "girl dad" shirt, despite having both a son and a daughter, highlighting how sidelined Archie has become.

Meghan is seen as the toxic element in her relationship with Harry, and the best thing she could do to turn things around is to actually put in the work. A successful business could change public perception. Instead, she continually distracts herself from the reality of their situation, leading to repeated failures. She tries to deflect attention from the bullying accusations, portraying herself as the victim, when in fact, what she needs to do is focus on genuine, hard work.

The reality is, people aren’t watching Meghan to see her succeed; they’re waiting to see her fail. And in many ways, she’s setting herself up for that failure by constantly making the wrong choices. If she just stepped back and became a silent partner in these initiatives, like she likely already is with Melinda Gates and Oprah Winfrey, she could eventually build the financial success she needs to support her philanthropic efforts. But as it stands, she doesn’t have the resources or mindset to make a meaningful impact.

Let me know what you think about this situation. Do you agree or see things differently? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you soon!

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