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The difference between Michelle Obama and Melania Trump is summed up in a single tweet

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The difference between Michelle Obama and Melania Trump is summed up in a single tweet

The current and former first lady are compared again

Comparing oneself with the past is an inevitable step when one holds an important position. The more one's predecessors have been appreciated, the more difficult it is to sustain the repeated comparisons. Every shortcoming is underlined, every difference greeted with suspicion: an attitude repeatedly suffered by Melania Trump, in the difficult task of replacing Michelle Obama.

The current first lady, however, is increasingly making her way among the popular favors. Charm, elegance and bearing have put aside the initial suspicions, but on the communication level there is still a lot of work to do and perhaps her husband should give her some advice on how to make more profitable use of Twitter.

On Malala Yousafzai's birthday, Michelle posted a congratulatory message to the Pakistani activist on her profile: "Your courage inspires us to fight so that girls around the world receive the education they deserve." On Melania's account, on the other hand, there was no reference to the anniversary.

Political opinions may differ about the Obamas, but from a communication point of view, few will have anything to say about them. Every move was carefully studied to capture the public's sympathy and affection. The image of the couple seemed to reveal a sincere union, which many looked up to with admiration. Michelle appeared as the rock at the side of the man in power, a solid and resolute woman capable of supporting her husband's commitments and carrying on her personal battles.

It was not easy for Melania to take up this legacy. Under the merciless magnifying glass of the social media era, every apparently cold attitude towards her husband has been judged as a symptom of a deep crisis. The accusations of sexism repeatedly leveled at the current US president have then also turned against her, blamed, as a woman, for not having publicly disapproved of those attitudes.

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