Megan Markle is at it again, and this time, it’s with a cringeworthy attempt to channel the “cool aunt” vibe. Unfortunately, it lands more in the awkward cousin territory. Let’s dive into her latest appearance in the *Sussex Polo* documentary, where Megan desperately tries to make herself the center of attention—approaching teenage boys in a way that can only be described as uncomfortable.
Enter Christos Kikos McGiaris, a 17-year-old polo star who joined Harry’s team in 2022, and Juan Guerrero, a 16-year-old who, for reasons unknown, becomes the target of Megan’s awkward attempts at making a connection. Megan swoops in, trying to make the moment all about her like a contestant on *The Bachelor* giving out roses. But there’s a problem—Juan isn’t having any of it. He literally rejects Megan’s attempt to touch his prize, leaving her standing there, looking like the awkward aunt at a family gathering who’s trying too hard to be one of the kids. It wasn’t just a little snub—it was a full-on “not today, lady.”
Now, let’s zoom out a bit. There’s been plenty of chatter about the dynamic between Harry and Megan, especially following the release of their latest Netflix documentary, *Polo*. It’s safe to say that the spotlight on their relationship has shifted away from their bond and more towards how they navigate their roles. Body language expert Darren Stanton, known as the “human lie detector,” has weighed in, suggesting that Harry has finally decided to step up and take the lead in their relationship. Apparently, in recent appearances, Harry’s body language speaks volumes—he’s no longer the passive partner but has become the dominant figure. Gone are the days when Megan seemed to call all the shots.
It’s hard not to notice this shift in the *Polo* docuseries, which was meant to offer a behind-the-scenes look at the elite world of polo. However, Harry’s screen time is noticeably limited—he barely appears until the fifth and final episode. When he does show up, it’s hard to shake the feeling that the documentary is less about him and more about his connections with other polo players. Where’s the royal glamour? Where’s the excitement we were promised? Unfortunately, *Polo* has been described as a tedious peek into a rich person’s hobby, barely even featuring the Sussexes themselves. Critics have been vocal about the lack of engaging content, with one review calling it a “tedious inside look” that offers little more than a few glimpses of the royal couple.
This minimal focus on Harry and Megan has left fans scratching their heads, wondering why the couple isn’t showing more of themselves. Is it a case of wanting more from them, but they’re barely there? Could it be that the documentary’s lack of substance, coupled with Megan’s awkward attempts to insert herself into the lives of teenage polo players, just doesn’t have what it takes to keep viewers hooked?
As for the future of Harry and Megan’s Netflix deal? Let’s just say the clock’s ticking. The streaming giant is known for using algorithms to predict which content will resonate with viewers, and with *Polo* not even making it into the top 10, the Sussexes’ big-money deal could be in jeopardy. Critics are already calling it a “nail in the coffin” for their Netflix future, as the series struggles to compete against more engaging content.
So, what’s the takeaway here? Megan might be trying hard to maintain that cool aunt persona, but her awkwardness around teenage boys and Harry’s apparent shift towards dominance in their relationship aren’t exactly the stuff of Hollywood dreams. Meanwhile, *Polo* might just go down as another missed opportunity in the Sussexes’ quest for media domination. Who knew polo could be so… boring?