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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Celebrate Thanksgiving with Archie and Lilibet: Inside Their Family Evening

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Celebrate Thanksgiving with Archie and Lilibet: Inside Their Family Evening

Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated Thanksgiving with their children Archie and Lilibet: details of their evening revealed

Settled in California, Harry and Meghan Markle did not fail to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 28 with their two children, Archie and Lilibet, as well as with their loved ones. An evening filled with emotions according to several sources.

With the end-of-year celebrations, there is nothing like gathering your loved ones for warm evenings. And if Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle will not have the chance to celebrate Christmas or New Year with the rest of the royal family, that does not prevent them from creating their own family traditions with their two children, Archie and Lilibet. It is in a small group that the two toddlers should celebrate Christmas, surrounded by their parents and their grandmother Doria Ragland, Meghan Markle's mother. Very close to her daughter, she was also invited for Thanksgiving this year, as were several of the royal couple's close friends, who gathered on Thursday, November 28 at their home in Montecito.

This holiday, which honors generosity and emphasizes sharing, is an institution for the Sussexes, who each year welcome several of their friends who were unable to celebrate it with their family. "We have always made sure that there is room at the table for our friends who do not have family, which is really essential," explained Meghan Markle in an interview with Marie Claire . According to her, their holiday is similar to that of any other American household: "We always make sure to have something fun to do," she assured. "Like in any other family, we spend time preparing a good meal and then, what do we do? We play games, always the same ones, someone brings a guitar, it's fun." Note that a source close to the couple added in Hello that the Sussexes have surrounded themselves with friends "who are like family". She then specified that the duchess "loves to cook and be in the kitchen" while teaching Archie and Lilibet the Thanksgiving traditions she grew up with. Nice program!

Meghan Markle: What she thinks about the end-of-year celebrations

Her children are now five and three years old, and if they are not very close to their family back in England, despite Prince Harry's attempts to reconnect with the Firm, "it's getting better and better" according to Meghan Markle, who confided in Marie Claire. For her, the holidays are priceless as every moment spent with her children is a source of wonder. "At first, I think as a mother, you just appreciate them being there, but they don't understand everything that's going on yet. But now, they're at the age where I can't wait to see what's going on through their eyes every year." "Every holiday is a new adventure," she said, adding that it is particularly important to her that her children experience the "magic of traditions." These include "good recipes that they end up associating with a memory" or the distribution of "carrots for the reindeer" at Christmas time.

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