The royal family follows a number of festive traditions each year, including the quirky exchange of gag gifts on Christmas Eve, a nod to their German heritage. Rather than splurging on luxurious items, they embrace light-hearted, unconventional presents. One year, Princess Anne, known for her sharp wit and dry sense of humor, gave her brother King Charles a rather peculiar gift that stole the show.
Princess Anne is famous for her no-nonsense attitude and clever remarks, and this Christmas, she demonstrated her wit with a hilarious gift for the King. Royal expert KT Nitel explained that the goal during their Christmas gift exchange is to give something tongue-in-cheek and playful, something that will make the Queen laugh. "The more kitsch, the better," Nitel said. "Nothing ostentatious, expensive, or lavish—those types of gifts don't go over well with the Queen."
When asked about the unusual gift during an Australian radio interview in 2018, the then-Prince of Wales laughed it off, brushing off the claim with a joke: "Oh, don’t believe all that nonsense." But the truth behind Princess Anne's gift was that she gave her brother a white leather toilet seat as a humorous jab at his future role as King. According to Dicky Arbiter, a former royal press secretary, the gift was a cheeky reference to the throne. "What do we call it?" Arbiter explained. "We call it the throne. You go and sit on the throne. So buying a leather-bound toilet seat was really Princess Anne's way of saying, ‘Here you are, you’ve got your own personal throne.’"
Fast forward to a recent royal event where King Charles, dressed in an all-green coat, charcoal gray trousers, and brown suede loafers, was in high spirits as he greeted well-wishers outside St. Mary Magdalene Church. He was joined by his sister, Princess Anne, and her husband, Sir Timothy Lawrence, rounding out the royal contingent. The royal family, dressed in matching scarves, took part in the walk to church on Christmas Day 2023. The scarves were all from the Highgrove Heritage collection, a collaboration between King Charles' Highgrove House and the King’s Foundation. It was reported that the King had gifted these scarves to his family members the night before, likely as part of their Christmas tradition.
Royal fans were thrilled to learn that anyone can purchase the stunning Highgrove Heritage scarf, which is currently available on the Highgrove Garden website for a hefty £150. As the royal family walked through the crowd, Prince William seemed visibly appreciative of the public’s kindness, especially as his children received thoughtful gifts from well-wishers. According to royal protocols, family members are allowed to accept gifts of food or other consumable items, along with small items of a monetary value not exceeding £150. So, the chocolates and plush toys the children received were welcome gifts they could keep.
Though King Charles and Princess Anne share a strong bond, it’s rare for them to attend engagements together. Their demanding royal duties often keep them apart. However, the siblings are widely regarded as two of the hardest-working members of the royal family. In 2023, King Charles completed an impressive 483 engagements, while Princess Anne wasn’t far behind with 459.
Royal correspondent Daniel Stacy notes that while Princess Anne has always been one of the most dedicated members of the royal family, her relationship with King Charles has become even closer in recent years. Their sibling bond was evident through Anne's cheeky gift and the King’s good-natured response. The gesture served as a reminder that, even in the most regal of celebrations, laughter and humor often take center stage.