There’s a lot going on between Meghan, Netflix executives, and the entire Hollywood film industry, which seems to be collapsing around her. Her so-called career—if you can even call it that—is nosediving, whether it’s her small cameo roles in movies and TV or her failing backup plan of debuting in commercials.
We’ve already talked about the Carnival Cruise Lines deal that went sour, the Geico plan that fell through, and the Universal Studios Epic Universe commercials that went nowhere. But when it comes to her blacklisting situation, things are spiraling out of control. Let’s dive into this mess.
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Now, one thing about Meghan Markle is that she’s doing everything she can to stay in the spotlight and remain what she considers “relevant.” But let’s be real—she’s failing miserably. Every single day, she’s facing more challenges because of her behavior, internal issues at Netflix, and public backlash.
You may or may not have seen the sneak peek of With Love, Meghan that dropped two days ago. It’s not exactly a second trailer, but it was so cringeworthy that it failed spectacularly. The acting was beyond awful, even worse than what the test screeners reportedly said behind closed doors.
But let’s get into the real tea. To top things off, Meghan’s drama is escalating. Internal test screenings have failed, and arguments between her and Netflix executives are heating up. Now, there’s a significant development involving her blacklisting within the industry, and her recent behavior is spreading like wildfire.
Here’s the latest update: Apple Studios was previously in talks with Meghan for a handful of cameo and small roles in some of their upcoming movies, including comedies and rom-coms. Meghan was reportedly set to take on three different roles, with a contract worth around $2.5 million.
But here’s where it all fell apart. After Apple Studios learned about the Netflix drama and saw the overwhelmingly negative feedback for With Love, Meghan, they decided to cut ties with her. To make matters worse, Meghan reportedly gave them an attitude, claiming Apple wasn’t diverse enough with their casting for the projects they were working on with her.
This led to Apple Studios blacklisting her from any future productions. Chaos erupted when Meghan threatened to sue Apple for discrimination. The deal-breaker? Meghan allegedly wanted her roles to be politically motivated, pushing Apple to incorporate politics into the scripts for the comedic roles she was offered.
This was a major red flag for Apple Studios. They immediately informed Meghan that they were canceling all her projects and booting her from any future ones. This marks the third studio to blacklist Meghan within the film industry as her career continues to collapse.
In addition to all this, Meghan blamed Apple Studios for being “incompetent,” “unprofessional,” and “overly judgmental” of her political beliefs. Apple, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with politics in their entertainment projects, and Meghan’s insistence on dragging politics into her roles was the final nail in the coffin.
Let’s be real here: Meghan always wants politics to be front and center in her roles, whether it’s movies or TV. And it always fails. She tried to do this with Netflix, and we’ll see how much of it remains in With Love, Meghan when it debuts on March 4th. But we already know that Netflix scrubbed a lot of footage involving Meghan’s politically driven comments, thanks to CEO Greg Peters convincing the board of directors to re-edit the series.
No matter how much editing they do, though, it’s not going to fix the mess. Meghan is caught up in a web of drama with Netflix executives, and now Apple Studios has joined the list of studios that want nothing to do with her.
What’s interesting is that this is the same studio where Alec Baldwin and George Clooney had a falling out over an action-comedy film that went nowhere. Meghan is now frantically trying to latch onto as many roles as she can, as her Netflix contract is likely to expire beyond 2025 without a renewal.
There’s a major division at Netflix—some board members want to keep her, while others want to cut ties ASAP. And honestly, I don’t blame the ones who want her gone. Keeping Meghan partnered with Netflix is only going to hurt their image and lead to more subscriber losses in the coming months.
On top of all this, Meghan is challenging Netflix’s marketing cutbacks for With Love, Meghan and planning to go public about her falling out with Apple Studios. She’s desperate to revive her career, but it’s clear she’s trying way too hard.
Her plan seems to be grabbing as many small and cameo roles as possible in the hopes of landing a major role in a big movie. But at this point, it’s just sad. Her inauthentic behavior is painfully obvious, especially in that sneak peek clip of With Love, Meghan. I don’t know how anyone could sit through it.