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Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

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Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

The American actress blew out the candles on June 4 and now we take the opportunity to review her makeovers in the world of fashion.

Angelina Jolie turned 44 on June 4 and despite the changes she has had in her physical appearance, she is still considered one of the most beautiful women on the big screen. Her beauty, talent and sensuality are some of the attributes that have made her shine through the years.

From the first moment that Angelina Jolie made her appearance in the media, at age 16, in professional photos with Harry Langdon, her spectacular beauty and exotic features were highlighted. A physicist that today is very different.

Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

At the beginning of her acting career, Angelina stood out for her rebelliousness, where she used a dark gothic look, wearing her hair collected, a soft eyeliner and dresses in dark tones, preferably black.

Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

When the actress began her romance with Bran Pitt, she began to be seen with bright colors and a lighter color in her hair. The black color was forgotten for this fashionista.

Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

After her wedding to Bratt Pitt in 2014, Angelina Jolie was radiant to the media and at red carpet events. In fact, her famous bare-leg pose was coined during the Oscars when the actress made a historic pose out of her modeling for the cameras.

Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

After her divorce from Bratt Pitt, the actress alarmed the media for her haggard look and it was even said that Angelina suffered from eating problems. Her appearance was so terrible that she even feared for her life.

Angelina Jolie turns 44 and we celebrate it by remembering her transformations

At 44, the actress is at the top of her career, carrying out various projects such as the second installment of "Maleficent" and immersed in the filming of "Those Who Wish Me Dead." Angelina Jolie finds herself radiating beauty again and enjoying her single life. 

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