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Jennifer Aniston buries the hatchet with Angelina Jolie after meeting at an event

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Jennifer Aniston buries the hatchet with Angelina Jolie after meeting at an event

Jennifer Aniston buries the hatchet with Angelina Jolie after meeting at an event

 Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are two of the most popular actresses in Hollywood. They have one thing in common: Brad Pitt. Between 2000 and 2005, Aniston was a partner of the famous actor, who just after ending his relationship began another with Angelina Jolie, with whom he has been for ten years (although they married in 2014) and has six children. Since then, it is 'common knowledge' in the Mecca of cinema that Aniston and Jolie could not even see each other. Until now.

Last week, both actresses met at the Critics' Choice Awards, one of the awards shows leading up to the Oscars, which was held in Los Angeles. It was the first event of its kind in which both actresses coincided since precisely the Oscars ceremony in 2009.

Although they were not seen together at any time, and during the gala they were separated by three tables (as reported in the Daily Mail), the fact that neither of them cared that the other was at the same party is already considered an important step.

Just after, Aniston confirmed that, for her part, the hatchet was buried: "I think that, little by little, this issue is ending," she said in an interview collected by the TooFab portal. In addition, the protagonist of Friends praised the latest work of her former rival behind the cameras, the film Unbroken: "It is a beautiful and wonderful film. (Angelina) has done a spectacular job."

To dispel any doubt, Aniston added: "I think it's time for people to drop all that shit and start celebrating good work. Stop the bullshit." "This is all tired and old," he explained. "It's like an old pair of shoes. We're going to buy a new pair," Aniston said.

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