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Meghan Markle gave bold Christmas present to the Queen: This was her response

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Meghan Markle gave bold Christmas present to the Queen: This was her response

Meghan Markle gave bold Christmas present to the Queen: This was her response

 It is a tradition among British royals to give each other a funny present at Christmas. Meghan Markle was not yet married to her prince and must have been nervous as a newcomer to the family gathering.

Besides, she'd taken a gamble with the Queen's gift: she gave her a singing toy hamster. That worked out surprisingly well: according to The Daily Star, the Queen burst out laughing before saying, "It can keep my dogs company."

In the end, the toy did end up with the dogs - who tore the singing hamster to pieces before the festivities were over.

Meghan Markle: in front of the Queen! Meghan's Christmas present SHREDDED

The court of Queen Elizabeth II is pretty biting. Meghan Markle also had to experience this, as a good gesture from her was completely torn in the air. Read here why Meghan even planned it.

Meghan Markle gave bold Christmas present to the Queen: This was her response

The fact that Queen Elizabeth II sometimes comes across as a "tough dog" and that one has to bite through at court from time to time is something that Royal fans should be aware of with little more than an eye-twister. The flippant legend that the British Queen would love her dogs more than her family is also old hat. But the British "Express" now reports how biting it is supposed to be under the eyes of Queen Elizabeth II.

Thanks to Meghan Markle, the mouth was torn apart

In the center of the action: Meghan Markle, the wife of Prince Harry, who resides in sunny California after her Megxit and made a name for herself this year with her Netflix deals and her miscarriage confession. It seems clear that Meghan Markle should have felt one or two biting sayings in her time as a royal figurehead. But that it was SO serious is new.

The expression: "shred your mouth" takes on a whole new meaning. Because as the "Express" writes, Meghan Markle's Christmas present to the Queen was targeted by the monarch's corgis. They are said to have torn it to pieces, according to a report. We remember: first the dogs, then the (married) family. The incident is said to have occurred in December 2017, the first Christmas that Meghan had spent with the royal family in Sandringham.

Queen corgis shred gift from Meghan Markle

As is known, the royals cultivate a number of Christmas traditions, including buying each other humorous gifts, which they open as early as Christmas Eve. Of course, Meghan Markle did not want to oppose this and took the chance for a clever gift. Allegedly, Meghan is said to have brought a singing toy hamster to the Queen. As the "Daily Star" writes, the queen was very impressed, after all, the little animal would please her dogs. After all, they had Meghan's gift completely shredded by the end of the holidays. A real win-win situation.

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