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What was hiding the box that Melania Trump gave to Michelle Obama

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What was hiding the box that Melania Trump gave to Michelle Obama

What was hiding the box that Melania Trump gave to Michelle Obama

 The former first lady of the United States reveals the content of the gift she received from the wife of the current president in her first television interview since leaving the White House

Just over a year after the inauguration of Donald Trump, Michelle Obama reveals what was inside the box that Melania Trump gave her on January 20 and that captured everyone's attention by not knowing what to do with her at the time of the greeting and the official photograph. The former first lady has spoken about the contents of the gift, wrapped in a Tiffany & Co box, on her friend Ellen DeGeneres' show. "It was a beautiful setting," says Michelle Obama in a video preview of what is her first television interview since leaving the White House, which airs Thursday.

In her conversation with DeGeneres, Michelle humorously remembers that she did not know exactly what to do with the box, as no one said anything to her or came to pick it up. “What am I supposed to do with this gift? They all walked away and no one came for her. And I was thinking, 'Shall we take the picture like that?' And that's why I hid it behind my back. So it was my husband who took the box, but nobody told him what to do with it anyway, ”she says while DeGeneres remembers the moment on video.

On the morning of the inauguration ceremony, Trump made several rudeness to his wife that did not go unnoticed by viewers. The current president of the United States did not wait for Melania to get out of the car, nor did he take her by the arm, and walked towards the residence where the Obama couple was waiting a few steps ahead of her. “Well, it's all protocol. This is like a state visit, they tell you you're going to do this, you're going to stop here. I did not expect to receive the gift so it was a nice detail ”, explained Barack Obama's wife.

It is a tradition for outgoing presidents to greet their successors at the White House on the morning of Inauguration Day. Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura welcomed the Obama couple for coffee or tea in the Blue Room of the White House before Barack Obama's first inauguration on January 20, 2009.

Since leaving the presidential residence, the Obama family has lived in Washington and will keep their home there until their youngest daughter, Sasha, 16, finishes high school. In fact, they are almost neighbors of Donald Trump's eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband Jared Kushner, who live just a few blocks away.

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