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Six things to know about Barron, son of Donald and Mélania Trump

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Six things to know about Barron, son of Donald and Mélania Trump

Six things to know about Barron, son of Donald and Mélania Trump

 He is the only child from the union of Mélania and Donald Trump and the youngest of the siblings.

Born March 20, 2006, Barron Trump celebrated his tenth birthday this year. Last child of the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump, the boy does not really have the same lifestyle as his little comrades ...

We nickname him "Little Donald"

Physically the father and the son look very similar but Barron Trump has also adopted the dress style of his dad. Unlike boys his age, Barron greatly prefers the three-piece suit to jogging bottoms.

According to his mother, Melania Trump, Barron also inherited his father's character and passions, so much so that she nicknamed him "little Donald". The new First Lady of the United States said in an interview for parenting.com:

when he was five he wanted to be like daddy: businessman and golfer.

Perhaps in a few years, the last of the Trump clan will also have a passion for politics.

He is very close to his mother

Despite the management of her affairs, Mélania considers that her first role is to be a stay-at-home mother. She raised Barron Trump on her own, without the help of a nanny.

Six things to know about Barron, son of Donald and Mélania Trump

And Mélania's philosophy is to let Barron make mistakes: "You have to let the children fall from time to time. When they do, they learn to get up on their own when you're not there".

But above all, it is very important for the new first lady not to thwart the wishes of her son:

When he says no we listen to him. It's no and we're not trying to change it.

He's got a floor all to himself in Trump Tower

Unlike his father, Barron is rather a follower of a refined style in terms of decoration. Upstairs which serves as his bedroom in the Trump Tower in New York, the young boy likes his space to be "tidy and white" according to his mother.

But that does not prevent him from adding a touch of originality to the decor since he draws regularly on the walls. For Mélania Trump, it is a way to let your creativity express itself.

He likes to build buildings

Obviously the young Trump likes to play alone. And one of his favorite hobbies is creating buildings with Legos. "He builds big projects. What he does is very special" describes his mother who sometimes plays with him. When will the Barron Trump Tower be?

He is bilingual

It is thanks to his mother, a former model from Slovenia, and his grandparents that the young boy speaks Slovenian. Barron Trump follows in the footsteps of Melania Trump who speaks five languages ​​fluently.

He will be the first president's son to live in the White House since 1961

Barron Trump will be the youngest tenant of the White House since John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. in 1961.

Melania and her son are expected to move to the official home of the President of the United States at the end of the 2017 school year. Until then they will stay in New York so Barron can complete his studies at the Columbia Grammar and preparatory school. in Manhattan, a school that still costs 45,000 euros per year to his parents.

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