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Trump's Mar-a-Lago violated mask rules

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Trump's Mar-a-Lago violated mask rules

Trump's Mar-a-Lago violated mask rules

 The violation of the mask ordinance by President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago club at his New Year's party has earned him a warning, but not a fine or other sanction.

In a letter to the club's manager, Bernd Lembcke, Palm Beach County said future violations of the ordinance could cost it $ 15,000 each in fines. Video from the party shows that few of the 500 guests wore the mask on the crowded dance floor while rapper Vanilla Ice, Beach Boys co-founder Mike Love and singer Taylor Dayne performed.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago violated mask rules

Official Todd Bonlarron said in the letter that while the club may have distributed masks to guests, "there was a failure to enforce the orders and almost the entire guest room was without masks." He said he was pleased that Lembcke promised to enforce the ordinance going forward.

"Your appreciation of him and his commitment to enforcing these laws was evident on our visit," he wrote.

Palm Beach County, with a population of 1.5 million, has reported more than 90,000 coronavirus cases and nearly 2,000 deaths.

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