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Chelsea and Ivanka, friendship frozen

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 Chelsea and Ivanka, friendship frozen

Chelsea and Ivanka, friendship frozen

They're in the same circle of millionaires as Manhatthan, but Clinton and Trump have put their relationship on hold because of their parents' campaign.

On April 30, we published a report on how the US presidential elections had affected the friendly relationship between Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump. On the eve of the electoral process we recovered this report

They live in the Manhattan of millionaires. They have in common having a famous last name and a childhood-adolescence stained by the morbid sexual scandals of their parents. They have looked pregnant belly almost in unison for the last few months. When they grew up, in some cases appearing to be more mature than their parents, they bet on being strong women determined to combine creating a family with working full-time. Their names are Chelsea Clinton, 36, and Ivanka Trump, 34, and everything indicates that they have put their friendship to cool while voters decide who will occupy the White House.

It's not that they were friends who make fun of every detail of her life. Their relationship was more about seeing each other for dinner every so often, since their current husbands, Marc Mezvinsky and Jared Kushner, introduced them. They socialized in the narrow circle of the all-who-who-matter in New York. They attended galas, indulged in philanthropy, and took photos, smiling wildly at the cameras. These were the golden days of their relationship. Those in which Ivanka Trump donated money to the Hillary Clinton campaign back in 2008. It was normal. After all, the Clintons were friends of the tycoon who is running today as a Republican candidate for the White House. And since everything was normal, the Clintons were invited to the Donald-Melania liaison held in 2005.

Meanwhile, a nasty electoral campaign has crossed his path, as confirmed by Politico magazine. Hillary Clinton was one day without disqualifying adjectives to define Donald Trump. "You choose," she said after calling him a racist, among other unflattering names.

Trump was not silent. For the businessman turned politician by the power that money grants, Clinton has been "the worst Secretary of State" the country has ever had. As, in addition, Hillary carries the baggage that a marriage brings - with Bill Clinton and the Lewinsky triangle - Trump decided to air the sex scandals of the president's past to harm his wife. "Hillary has one of the greatest female abusers of all time at home, sitting, waiting for her to arrive for dinner." When it comes to Trump there is always one more degree. Either of misogyny or vulgarity. So the tycoon used the most rude language related to sexual practice to say that Barack Obama had done the aforementioned with Hillary Clinton by taking away the Democratic nomination.

Daughters are, to a greater or lesser extent, part of their parents' campaign. Chelsea Clinton has participated in more than 60 events so far this year. Ivanka Trump was in Iowa and New Hampshire and always on the side, trying to serve as an antidote to the macho comments of her father. "I would not be who I am today, I would not be a high-level executive in his company if he thought such things about women," Ivanka Trump told CNN.

That between them there is a lot of respect in addition to friendship is a proven fact with a statement by the young Clinton to Vogue last year. Chelsea compared Ivanka to her father, the nation's 42nd president. “She [Ivanka] is always attentive to everyone around her and she makes sure that everyone enjoys her. It is a quality that in a way reminds me of what my father has, his ability to make a room overflow with joy ”. The above deserves at least an exclamation point. It is not every day that a citizen is compared to one of the most popular leaders in US history. Chelsea Clinton concluded her description of Ivanka Trump by assuring that she is a person who does not have an ounce of superficiality, despite the fact that someone "As beautiful as her" could have fallen into that weakness very easily.

Everything indicates that the worst is yet to come. As the days progress until reaching the convention for the nomination of each party and the final stretch to conquer the White House is entered, the attacks will be more ferocious. Trump promised it when he threatened that "yet" he hadn't really started attacking Hillary. When the world's most famous law firm has a new tenant in January 2017, it will be revealed whether Chelsea and Ivanka's friendship was personal enough to survive the storm of disrepute brewing between their parents. Or the parentheses become a full stop.

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