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Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton, campaign-proof friendship

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Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton, campaign-proof friendship

Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton, campaign-proof friendship

They are so similar and so close that it was impossible to stop their understanding. The long-standing friendship between Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton is as natural as it is authentic. Thirties, mothers and workers, married to men linked to the Jewish faith, raised in a privileged environment, the two women are close also because their respective homes in Manhattan are located a few meters from each other.


Ivanka Trump, daughter of Republican candidate Donald Trump and Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, insist that the parents' run for the US presidency has not dented their relationship. Perhaps in recent months they have preferred not to talk about politics and to reduce meetings - especially in public -, but after 8 November everything will be as before. Indeed, it will be much better.


At the end of the second election debate on 9 October, Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton greeted each other fondly. But what happens when, for example, Donald Trump publicly accuses your mom of being a thief and threatens to take her to jail? Asked by the Telemundo reporter, Chelsea Clinton replied: “It doesn't affect our relationship because she doesn't. Every time he (Donald Trump, ed.) Says things like this, he shows the inability to speak on really important issues for these elections [...] When he attacks some members of my family it shows that he has no concrete plans for our country ".


“Our relationship has never had political significance and will not have it now. It will be the same after the campaign too. We are very grateful that she (Ivanka Trump, ed) and her children are part of our lives and that we and our daughter are part of theirs, ”said Chelsea.

In an interview published by Harper's Bazaar, Ivanka Trump did the same: “Between me and Chelsea, everything is fine. I consider her a very close friend to her and it's the same for her. We have a great relationship. None are running for public office. I haven't met the new baby yet but I sent her a gift ”.


Ivanka and Chelsea both had a privileged life. Chelsea is 36 years old and the only child of Hillary and Bill Clinton. She is a graduate of Oxford, Stanford and Columbia and worked at the Mckinsey Company and NBC. Ivanka is 34 years old and grew up in Trump Tower, New York. Graduated in economics, she was a model and entrepreneur. Chelsea is vice president of the Clinton Foundation and Ivanka is vice president of development and purchasing of the Trump Organization.


The two women had to face the media scandal caused by their parents' infidelities: Chelsea was 18 when she discovered the relationship of her father, Bill Clinton, with Monica Lewinsky and Ivanka Trump was nine when her parents separated after the betrayal of the father Donald Trump with actress Marla Maples.

Ivanka got married in 2010 to Jared Kushner, a Jewish tycoon. She has three children: Arabella, Joseph and Theodore. Chelsea married Marc Mezvinsky, a banker, also a Jew. The couple has two children: Charlotte and Aidan. Their children attend the same environments.


According to Allert Brown-Gort, associate director of the Institute of Latin Studies at the University of Notre Dame, the role of Ivanka Trump in the American election campaign is much more relevant than that of Chelsea Clinton: “She is one of the people who speaks for the candidate, has more authority […] is a more acceptable, smarter and cleaner face. ”From public opinion, Ivanka Trump is seen as a more articulate character than her father and with less radical positions. Her figure has undoubtedly influenced the strategies adopted by the campaign team. Many analysts look with surprise that her father turned to her politics before her.

While Chelsea Clinton is a familiar face to Americans, Ivanka's looks fresh and new. The future of the tycoon's daughter within the Republican Party - whatever the outcome of the November 8 elections - now seems guaranteed.

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