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Donald Trump changes hairstyle, netizens all over the world are excited

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 Donald Trump changes hairstyle, netizens all over the world are excited

Donald Trump changes hairstyle, netizens all over the world are excited

President of the United States (US) Donald Trump haircut is considered unique and attractive. Trump looks dignified with blonde hair with a crested and combed back style. The hairdo always looks neat and not messy.

Even so many consider Trump to look weird because of his unique hairstyle. But it has become a sort of hallmark of his appearance and makes him easily recognizable

So when he appeared with a different hairdo, the public including netizens around the world were excited. Attending a special service to pray for victims of the Virginia Beach shooting at the McLean Bible Church, Vienna, Virginia, Sunday, June 2, 2019, Trump changed his hairstyle.

This time he had his blonde hair combed back. This 72 year old man uses a lot of gel or styling products to get his current hairstyle.

Donald Trump changes hairstyle, netizens all over the world are excited

Reporting from the Daily Mail, Monday (3/6/2019), the fashion style was more relaxed. The husband of Melania Trump is wearing a collar shirt combined with a black coat and holding a white baseball cap.

Trump's new appearance suddenly became the talk of netizens. Some argue that he looks more 'normal' than his usual appearance.

Prior to England

Even so, there are those who question why Donald Trump's hair is so different. There are those who argue that his hairdo changed because he was wearing a hat. Various memes about Trump's latest hairstyle have also been scattered on social media.

This hair change comes one day before Donald Trump and Melania Trump's visit to the UK, to meet with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles.

Donald Trump changes hairstyle, netizens all over the world are excited

They are scheduled to leave for England today. During the meeting, Trump will discuss environmental issues with Charles.

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