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Melania Trump, a conservative in the White House

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 Melania Trump, a conservative in the White House

Melania Trump, a conservative in the White House

 A few years have passed since Julia Ioffe interviewed Melania Trump in April 2016, raising a crawl space and a chorus of protests not only from her husband's supporters but from the future US First Lady herself. Meanwhile, Donald Trump would become president of the United States, she would be the victim of the attempted discredit by the "anti-racist" mainstream day after day because of her origins.

The Flotus of the globalist left: pro-Islamist and abortionist

According to the vision of globalist elitism, the model of Flotus should correspond to that provided by Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama, that is to be extremely sensitive to the new frontier of so-called civil rights, from abortion to the varied requests of the LGBT community and ending with in vitro fertilization, but completely indifferent to the international humanitarian police operations conducted by the White House with Dem traction with terrible massacres of children and civilians, from Serbia to Afghanistan.

At the same time, this strategy of globalist tyranny has been combined with a significant openness to international Islam, even to its most bloody and violent components. The aim is evidently always the same: to surround those bastions of conservatism such as Putin's Russia.

 Both Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have been very skilled in promoting this cause on a globalist advertising level. The only apparent mishap occurred when the then First Lady Michelle went, accompanying her husband on an official visit, to Riyadh in January 2015 and did not use the veil: in reality, the foreign policy of the White House was based at the time on the strategic attempt to Rohani's Iran (Ahmadinejad left the scene) on the one hand, Turkey and Qatar on the other with their Muslim Brotherhood, supporting a downsizing of the Israeli-Saudi front.

Biden's recent decision to be joined by Kamala Harris in the race for the presidential elections responded to the same logic: as attorney for the state of California, the latter distinguished herself for the methodical, as inexplicable, persecution of the association Life "Center for Medical Progress" paving the way for scientific abortion against conscientious objection, for an explicitly anti-Christian and anti-Catholic social thought.

Melania Trump as a model of conservatism

On the contrary, Melania Trump has distinguished herself, since 2016, for a very low rhetoric, we would say non-existent, and for an abandonment of the strong ideological tones that, in her opinion, risk leading the US down a very dangerous and no way out. In recent years, without too much chatter and without issuing any proclamations, she has engaged in a vast humanitarian action alongside thousands of abandoned children, mostly children of migrants from Central or South America and with the "Be Best" program carrying out the pedagogical battle against the spread of opiates and drugs among the new generations, for the correct use of social media and for the fight against bullying.

Various American independent journalists have wondered and are still wondering if Melania Trump has a specific ideology or thought, given her confidentiality. You have come to the conclusion, on the part of those who have been researching this for four years, that you are a conservative Christian. However, the mystery of the First Lady's precise confession also remains.

 Initially considered evangelical, this hypothesis was later discarded and the opinion that it was an Orthodox Christian of the Serbian rite became widespread, as in 2017 he greeted a group of professors from Belgrade with the traditional Serbian patriotic greeting, that is the three fingers up representing the Holy Trinity and the Sovereign Serbian Nation. In reality, the most accredited theses now speak, with almost certainty, of Melania Trump as a conservative anti-progressist Catholic. Someone also spoke of a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and her revelations.

Quite significant, in this regard, the speech given by the First Lady last May for the National day of Prayer, in which the centrality of Christ in the logic of civilization was brought to the fore. The Washington Post was probably right when, about three years ago, it first put forward the hypothesis of the conservative, Catholic and non-globalist First Lady in sharp contrast with Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. In conclusion, much closer to the Europe of Visegrad than to the progressive and globalist America of Silicon Valley.

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