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"We heal over time": Jill Biden discusses her divorce for the first time

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 "We heal over time": Jill Biden discusses her divorce for the first time

"We heal over time": Jill Biden discusses her divorce for the first time

A guest on "The Kelly Clarkson Show" television, the First Lady of the United States spoke of her first marriage, now married to President Joe Biden.

She took over from Melania Trump on January 20. By choosing Democrat Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, making Kamala Harris the country's first female vice president, Americans have also elected their new First Lady: Jill Biden. A new role that she fulfills brilliantly, not hesitating to slip in some confidences about her personal experience during interviews. After having been described by her husband as a “backbone” for their family, during their first interview at the White House, last January, the First Lady now chooses to evoke another part of her life: her divorce with her first husband. Before meeting Joe Biden in 1975, she was indeed married to Bill Stevenson with whom she shared her life for five years, before divorcing. A period in her life she chose to tackle this Thursday, February 25, on "The Kelly Clarkson Show".


Faced with singer and host Kelly Clarkson, who filed for divorce from her husband Brandon Blackstock last June, Jill Biden chose to support him. "This is what I would tell you if I were your mother", she began, relayed by "People". “My mom always told me, 'Things will look better tomorrow. If we live from day to day, things will get better. ” Now married to the President of the United States, she continues, "If I hadn't been divorced, I would never have met Joe. I would not have had the in-laws that I have today, so I sincerely think that things are happening for the best (…) I think that we heal over time and I can't wait for this day to arrive for you. "

By marrying Joe Biden in 1977, Jill Biden adopted the latter's two sons, Beau and Hunter, the fruit of his love affair with his ex-wife Neilia, who tragically died following a car accident in 1972. Together, they will then have a daughter, Ashley Biden, now 39 years old.

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