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Are politicians wearing ill-tailored suits on purpose?

 Are politicians wearing ill-tailored suits on purpose?

Are politicians wearing ill-tailored suits on purpose?

Whether in France or across the Atlantic, politicians have accustomed us to their oversized costume. A roundabout way to better seduce their electorate.

Billionaire real estate tycoon, Donald Trump could easily afford tailor-made. But the Republican candidate for President of the United States persists in wearing suits that are too long, too wide, with too big lapels and oversized ties. The one whose slogan can be summed up by the concept of "it was better before" actually dresses as if he had stuck in the 80s. The same goes for many French politicians, including sartorial choices. leave something to be desired.

But according to the male webzine melmagazine.com, these oversized costumes are a sign of their hard work. Asked by the online magazine, Josh Nanberg, founder of Washington DC-based political communications agency Ampersand Strategies, believes that the living conditions of politicians in the countryside partly explain these major problems: because they are always on the move with a hectic schedule, they see their weight fluctuate and float quickly in their tailor-made suits. And as they rarely have time to change, their outfits are often wrinkled when giving their speech, which accentuates the impression of disproportion.

A desire for normality

They also try to wear clothes that are intentionally too big, so as not to appear elitist. A desire for normality that often pushes them to take off their jackets and roll up their sleeves when meeting with potential voters or when going out in the crowd. Unlike an outfit that is too well cut or too tight which would betray a luxurious lifestyle, the formality of the costume with a fair dose of awkwardness makes politicians more accessible to the eyes of the general public, which can then more easily be seen. identify.

In April, White House candidate Hillary Clinton was hypocritical in the media for wearing a $ 12,495 Armani suit during a speech about America's economic woes. A lynching that politicians seek to avoid at all costs ...

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