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Melania Trump and the virus: "Naturally cured, with vitamins and healthy food"

 Melania Trump and the virus: "Naturally cured, with vitamins and healthy food"

Melania Trump and the virus: "Naturally cured, with vitamins and healthy food"

The First Lady tells in an article about her her experience as a Covid-19 patient: "I was lucky because I had mild symptoms"

«Diet, fresh air and vitamins. Here's what it takes to keep the body healthy »: even in times of Covid. At least according to Melania Trump, infected with the coronavirus together with her husband Donald and son Barron. The First Lady has in fact told for the first time and directly, with an article signed by her (but almost certainly written by a ghost writer), published on the White House website, about her experience as a Covid patient. By reducing her positivity to little, just like The Donald, albeit hit in a more serious way, and already back to campaigning.

Of course, the president's wife was lightly hit, as she herself says: “I was lucky because I had minimal but close symptoms, so much so that I felt like I was on a roller coaster. I had muscle aches, coughs and headaches and I felt really very tired ». Nothing serious, however. To the point of not even needing special medicines: "I chose to cure myself naturally, opting for vitamins and healthy food." On the other hand, just like the president, she had the best care available, as she herself confirms: "We have had wonderful guardians of our health, to whom we will be forever grateful for the care and professional discretion."

The maximum of empathy for a country where infections are close to 8 million and there have already been over 217 thousand deaths, however, is limited to the image: "It was an unusual feeling to be the patient and not someone who encourages the nation to stay in health and safe ». Quite a bizarre statement, given that she has never talked about the disease before and the husband-president chose to take off his mask when he was still positive, immediately after leaving the hospital.

Melania's concern, of course, was above all for her 14-year-old son Barron, whose positivity was only made public yesterday, when his test also came back negative, with his father talking about it during the rally in Des Moines, Iowa, where he said: “Barron also had the Chinese virus. But the kids have to go back to school ». Melania says that initially the boy tested negative, but two days later he tested positive too: "Fortunately he is a strong teenager and had no symptoms." Thus completing the family picture: «In a certain sense I was happy that the three of us went through all of this at the same time. We took care of each other and spent more time together ».

How did it take that time? “When my husband was admitted to the Walter Reed, I thought a lot about my family. And I thought of the many affected by this disease that does not discriminate. These are difficult times but it has helped me to think about the goodness and compassion that exists in the world ». Enough to push her to address a true hymn to America: "Our country has overcome many difficulties and adversities, and soon Covid will be just another obstacle to be overcome to tell future generations". Concluding with a personal recipe: «I encourage everyone to continue living in the healthiest way possible. A balanced diet, fresh air and vitamins are really essential for keeping our body healthy. Along with compassion and humility, equally important to keep the mind strong ».

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