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But why does Donald Trump have an orange complexion? The President of the United States answers you

 But why does Donald Trump have an orange complexion? The President of the United States answers you

But why does Donald Trump have an orange complexion? The President of the United States answers you

"ORANGE IS THE NEW PECHE" "I still look orange. And you too. This light is the worst, ”the president said at a rally

Donald Trump and his ever more original statements. On Thursday, the President of the United States delivered a speech lasting over an hour to elected Republican officials in Baltimore.

His speech was an opportunity for him to justify himself on ... the color of his complexion. Ironically for a long time on renewable energies, Donald Trump explained that it was the energy saving light bulbs that gave him his "orange complexion".

A presidential election full of potential

“People ask me what's wrong with these bulbs. […] Well already, for me, the light is not good, ”declared the American president mockingly. "I still look orange. And you too. This light is the worst. "

The 2020 US presidential campaign could be full of little moments of humor like this. Like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, who is currently competing in the Democratic primary for the presidential election, is also used to little jokes and other outlandish statements. Between jokes and blunders, the campaign promises to be eventful.

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