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Death of Prince Philip: why Meghan Markle will not be present at the funeral

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 Death of Prince Philip: why Meghan Markle will not be present at the funeral

Death of Prince Philip: why Meghan Markle will not be present at the funeral

The doubt still hovered until now but it is now official, Meghan Markle will not be traveling for the funeral of Prince Philip in England.

The funeral of Prince Philip, who died this Friday at the age of 99, will take place on Saturday April 17 at St. George's Chapel in Windsor. The opportunity to see again, for the first time in a year, the reunited royal family. While a source interviewed by the Daily Mirror revealed that Harry had spoken to his cousins ​​Beatrice and Eugenie of York and told them he was planning to return urgently to attend his grandfather's funeral, the journalist Rebecca English, a specialist in royalty, confirmed the information on Saturday. In a series of tweets posted on April 10, the royal correspondent for the Daily Mail first gave more details about the ceremony, before looking at the guest list. 

"There will be 30 guests, including family - children and grandchildren - as well as long-time staff like the Prince's valet, squire and private secretary," revealed Rebecca English before add: "This includes Prince Harry, but not the Duchess of Sussex who, while pregnant, was advised by her doctors not to fly." As a reminder, every pregnancy is different and Meghan Markle, 39, miscarried in July 2020. Conditions which, in themselves, perfectly justify the fact that the Duchess of Sussex prefers to avoid travel.

A ceremony without an audience

Covid requires, the funeral of Prince Philip will take place without an audience - visitors are also asked not to go to Windsor, to avoid the crowds - but the ceremony will be fully broadcast on television, because journalists will be allowed and photographers. At 3 p.m., Saturday April 17, the time of the start of the funeral, a minute of silence will be observed in tribute to the prince who died after more than 70 years in the British Crown.

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