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Land Rover modified for Prince Philip's final rest

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 Land Rover modified for Prince Philip's final rest

Land Rover modified for Prince Philip's final rest

Images of a Land Rover styled by the Duke of Edinburgh to carry his own coffin have been unveiled.

Prince Philip would have considered everything from the details of this vehicle. Modifications include an open roof at the rear as well as a military green color. At the rear of the vehicle are small metal bars that are used to keep the coffin in place.

The modified Land Rover Defender TD5 130 has only one front bench, green rims and no license plate.

The original intention was to use the vehicle to transport Prince Philip's coffin from the Wellington Arch to Windsor, a distance of approximately 35 km. However, the pandemic would have affected these plans.

While the last modifications to the vehicle would have been finalized in 2019, this project would have been in development since 2003, 18 years ago. The vehicle was built at the Land Rover factory in Solihull, England.

The Duke as well as the Royal Family have been seen regularly in Land Rover products for the past 40 years.

Prince Philip, married to Queen Elizabeth II for over 70 years, died on April 9 at the age of 99. His funeral will take place on April 17 at St George's Chapel.

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