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Queen Elizabeth II has been wearing the same nail polish for twenty-eight years

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 Queen Elizabeth II has been wearing the same nail polish for twenty-eight years

Queen Elizabeth II has been wearing the same nail polish for twenty-eight years

When it comes to beauty, every woman has her favorite products. Even Queen Elizabeth II who has been wearing the same nail polish since 1989.

For each woman, her beauty routine! And it is not the Queen of England who will contradict us. The one who just celebrated her 91st birthday today reveals her little manicure habits. Hidden under his special gloves, His Majesty makes it a point of honor to color his nails with his favorite varnish which is none other than “Ballet Slippers # 6” from the Essie brand. A pretty pink and natural shade that the queen has been wearing since 1989, almost twenty-eight years!

And contrary to what one might think, Elizabeth II does not have luxury tastes: the varnish in question costs only £ 7.99 (around € 13 in France at Monoprix).

But how did the queen fall in love for this product? It's simple ! In 1989, her hairdresser wrote to the designer of the brand, Essie Weingarten, to order several bottles of "Ballet Slippers # 6" because Her Majesty "did not plan to wear any other color". This nail polish has since entered her favorite beauty routine. A passion shared by Kate Middleton who would also have set her sights on this shade in 2011, during her wedding. God save Essie!

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