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The Epstein scandal behind Bill and Melinda Gates’s divorce?

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 The Epstein scandal behind Bill and Melinda Gates’s divorce?

The Epstein scandal behind Bill and Melinda Gates’s divorce?

The billionaire's companion would have started working with lawyers in 2019, after the revelations of the American press concerning the supposed relationship between her husband and Jeffrey Epstein.

“After much thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we made the decision to end our marriage.” It was in a terse statement, posted on social media, that Bill and Melinda Gates announced their divorce on May 3, after 27 years of marriage. The possible explanations for this separation are starting to filter through the American media. According to the Daily Beast and the Wall Street Journal, the Epstein scandal is one of the reasons that pushed Melinda Gates to want to leave the founder of Microsoft: she would have started steps in this direction with specialized lawyers, in October 2019.

A few months after the suicide in prison of Jeffrey Epstein, in August 2019, while he was incarcerated awaiting trial for trafficking in minors. The American media then discussed the relationship between the two businessmen, the New York Times revealing several meetings between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein between 2011 and 2013. “I had no business relationship or friendship with him ", had swept the billionaire on this subject, adding:" I have never attended any party, or anything like that. He never gave me money for anything that I know ”.

The couple also reportedly met the businessman at his Upper East Side mansion in New York City in 2013, after Melinda Gates reportedly shared her discomfort with several friends. Bill Gates would have distanced himself over the years, which Jeffrey Epstein would have complained about to his entourage. But the friendship they allegedly formed would still “haunt” Melinda Gates. Contacted by Business Insider, the couple did not comment on this information. Their lawyers are currently working on sharing their fortune, estimated at more than $ 146 billion.

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