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Ashley Biden, Hunter Biden… Who are Joe Biden's children?

 Ashley Biden, Hunter Biden… Who are Joe Biden's children?

Biden: quiénes son los hijos del nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos

Joe Biden, the new president of the United States of America, had four children. Two of them died. The Democrat's other children are on the international stage.

Joe Biden's life has been sparse with drama. In December 1972, his wife Neilia and thirteen-month-old baby daughter Naomi died in a car accident. Her two sons, Hunter and Beau, were injured. A few years after this tragedy, Joe Biden met Jill Tracy Jacobs, before marrying the latter in 1977. From this union gave birth to Ashley Biden, June 8, 1981. She is now 39 years old.

Ashley is very close to her father, which she reiterated in an interview with Marie Claire on September 28, 2020. "My father always taught me that silence is synonymous with complicity, and that I should fight for all those who are treated unfairly. It is something which accompanies me as an adult, and constitutes my line of conduct in my professional life "she expressed.

In 2012, Ashley married surgeon Howard Krein, whom she met through Beau. That same year, she joined the Delaware State Child, Youth and Family Service as a social worker. Two years later, Joe Biden's daughter was appointed director of the Delaware Center for Justice. This organization is dedicated to criminal justice reform. However, his work was disrupted in 2015 following the death of his half-brother Beau, who was diagnosed with brain cancer. Jill Biden explained that "it was very important for Ashley to carry on Beau's legacy - the criminal justice reforms, her work with children […] She found a way to go her own way."

Ashley Biden founded her own organization called Livelihood following Beau's death. It consists of designing and selling clothing made in the United States. The profits made are then sold to community organizations in Washington D.C. and Delaware. In an open letter to visitors to the Livelihood website, Ashley Biden explains that "her goal today is to pursue her dream of community impact through innovative philanthropy, new community investment and empowerment. community through fashion ". She adds that the first collection in collaboration with the GILT group raised $ 30,000. Ashley is very active in the community environment.

Hunter Biden, his father's "Achilles heel"

His 50-year-old brother Robert Hunter Biden is a businessman who graduated from Yale Law School. He was also a staunch supporter of Joe Biden in his political career, as was his sister. "Beau et mois went everywhere with him. At all the major events and small events that were related to his political career, I was there. I never missed a rally for my father."

However, Hunter has had its ups and downs in his life. The latter was the victim of drug and alcohol addictions for several years, which he explained in particular in the columns of the New Yorker in 2019. “I was in a tunnel, an endless tunnel. can't get rid of it. You learn to live with it. " One of his relatives had even specified that one day in 2016, Hunter was trying to obtain drugs from a homeless man in Los Angeles. He had ended up with "a gun to his head" as a result.

 In 2001, his brother Beau accompanied him to his first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. During the debate on Tuesday, September 29 in Cleveland where Joe Biden was opposed to Donald Trump, the Democrat defended his son who was the victim of attacks. The President of the United States had mentioned Hunter's dismissal from the military following his drug addiction. The latter wanted to become a naval reservist in 2013, but was unsuccessful due to urine tests indicating chronic exposure to cocaine. Joe Biden therefore replied to his opponent: "My son, like many people, had a drug problem. He got over it. He fixed it. And I'm proud of him."

In 2015, Hunter Biden separated from his wife Kathleen after twenty-two years of marriage, to whom three children were born. He later became closer to his brother Beau's widow, Hallie, with whom he shared two years of his life. Joe Biden had given his blessing to this couple which aroused many reactions at the time. In May 2019, the businessman met Melissa Cohen, a South African activist in her 30s. They got married just six days after they met. Hunter told ABC News, "I immediately fell in love with her. And I fall in love with her more and more with each passing day." The couple have since had a child.

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