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Trump won’t say if he will consider Pence as his running mate

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Trump won’t say if he will consider Pence as his running mate

Trump won’t say if he will consider Pence as his running mate

‘I was disappointed with Mike on one thing as he understands,’ Trump said

Donald Trump on Saturday sidestepped a question on whether he would select Mike Pence as his running mate if he contested the presidential elections again in 2024.

“Mike and I have a good relationship,” Mr Trump said in an interview with Fox News at his Republican donor dinner in North Carolina. “But it’s too early to be discussing running mates certainly.”

The former president said that while he was not completely happy with everything Mr Pence did during his term, they still have a “good relationship”.

“I was disappointed with Mike on one thing, as he understands and some other people understand, but overall, I had a very good relationship with Mike and he’s a very fine person and a fine man,” Mr Trump said.

He did not specify the reason for his disappointment in the interview, but his reference could likely be on the lack of support from Mr Pence when he hoped the vice president would use his position as president of the Senate to help with his challenge to the Electoral College vote, following the 6 January Capitol riot.

Last week, Mr Pence spoke about his strained relationship with the former president. “January 6 was a dark day in the history of the US Capitol,” Mr Pence was quoted by Insider as saying in New Hampshire. “That same day we reconvened the Congress and did our duty.

“You know, President Trump and I have spoken many times since we left office and I don’t know if we’ll ever see eye to eye on that day,” he added.

Mr Pence’s visit to New Hampshire is also being viewed as a possible political move in preparation for a 2024 White House bid.

Mr Trump on the other hand has been hinting on a possible rerun several times, but he hasn’t made an official announcement yet.

“I’ll make a decision in the not too distant future, maybe sooner than people think. And I think they’re going to be very happy,” Mr Trump told Fox News on Saturday evening, when asked about the prospect.

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