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From her engagement to her death, Diana always favored short hair

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From her engagement to her death, Diana always favored short hair

From her engagement to her death, Diana always favored short hair

This Sunday, a few days before the 20th anniversary of her death, the Royal Blog of Paris Match looks back on Lady Diana's choice of short hair.

On February 24, 1981, Lady Diana Spencer poses in front of the photographers. In a royal blue suit worn with a white blouse with a Lavallière collar printed with stylized blue birds, the young woman, who has not yet celebrated her 20 years, immortalizes a key moment in her existence: her engagement to Prince Charles, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and heir to the British crown, whom she would marry five months later. 

She wears on her left ring finger the sumptuous diamond and sapphire ring given to her by her fiancé. The one that thirty years later their son William will offer, for the same occasion, to Kate Middleton, his future wife.

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