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Is Melania Trump a good cook?

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 Is Melania Trump a good cook?

Is Melania Trump a good cook?


She's Beautiful & Has An Incredible Palate!

There is no denying that Melania Trump is gorgeous. Her petite frame and her features are on point as some would clearly point out. However, we always have wondered… does this Slovenian beauty cook dinner on the daily for her husband Donald Trump and her son Barron?

…Or Do They Have Countless House Maids & Servants To Do All The Cooking?

It would be hard to picture her with Donald Trump in the kitchen cooking like a normal family we are more on the lines thinking that they actually eat diamonds while sitting on expensive, fur chairs.

However, if Melania Trump DID in fact cook, with pots and pans in a regular American Kitchen would it be Mediterranean or American?

We're Sure That She Would Copy Any Recipe Word By Word & Claim As Her Own!

Okay, okay that last comment wasn't nice but we couldn't help it. However, some of these questions are just begging to be answered since we NEVER see her eating and NEVER actually got to see inside their kitchen after they bragged about how big their house was.

To Find Out What This Rich Family Eats On The Daily & If Melania Trump Actually Does Any Cooking By Herself

There is currently no evidence that Trump's wife does any cooking but we did find some of the foods that she enjoys in her home country which we think are pretty interesting. Maybe she has this stuff flown in on the daily on a private jet?

Check It Out…

The healthiest foods are in the Karst

The best (and that means and most vigorous) is to eat in the area of the Slovenian Mediterranean: regional dishes with excellent combinations of vegetables, meat sauce, pasta and Karst prosciutto. With all this comes and premium wine Teran.

Similar dishes you can find in the field of Karst Edge, Istria and places along the coast with the addition of different combinations of seafood, fish and excellent wines Refosco and Malvasia, which complements the experience of eating seafood with herbs and spices.

Central Slovenia with Ljubljana and the surrounding area offers excellent local dishes such as wheat and buckwheat pie (filled with walnuts, apple or cheese), different types of moth, the most famous traditional nut-cake, strudel with honey and raisins. Strudel (cheese pie) of poppies can be called trademark of an incredibly culturally rich province of Prekmurje.

Something extraordinary in the whole of Slovenia is the slaughterhouses with a variety of fresh, semi-dry or dried meat products, with the most important Prekmurje ham.

In the province of Carinthia is famous meat dish Mezieres, an excellent warm appetizer of pork lungs and intestines.

Favorite buckwheat

In the province of Ljubljana are still the most famous dumplings of buckwheat flour (pockets of dough filled with cheese or dried fruit) or masounik (dish fried in sour cream). Excellent food is also porridge made of buckwheat flour with peas and mushrooms. Of course, the most famous dish of buckwheat flour is porridge served with sauerkraut, while in the provinces along the coast are known other pasta dishes (e.g., Gnocchi).

Bled is famous for its custard slices. For lovers of freshwater fish, a superb treat is the trout “zlatovsica” which prepared in various ways; among others, with buckwheat flour.

Grilled trout

The following fresh seafood is the marble trout, served crispy baked in corn flour.

In the province of Dolenjska are preparing various pies, boiled or baked scrolls filled with cheese, walnuts, and apples. Specifically dish of this region is the “Matthew” (dish of potatoes and beans) to be served as a side dish or as a meal.

In the area of Bela Krajina are masters for the preparation of roast lamb and a pig with that frequently offer local protected cake as follows: Bela Krajina strudel, cake, and plain cheese pie.

Stews and tasty soups

Everywhere in Slovenia is preparing different types of dishes, stews and delicious vegetable soups (e.g., Iota and soup in the province Coastal, bograc in Prekmurje).

Poultry has a significant share of the food offered in Slovenia. With the most famous dish, fried chicken, is necessary to mention the roasted ducks and geese that have become a ritual meal during the most important wine feast of St. Martin (11.11.) In wich occasion, the inhabitants of Slovenia baptize young wine.

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