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Photo of Angelina Jolie without makeup leaks and her fans are speechless

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 Photo of Angelina Jolie without makeup leaks and her fans are speechless

Photo of Angelina Jolie without makeup leaks and her fans are speechless

The actress shows off her natural beauty without complexes.

An image of Angelina Jolie has been around the world. The photograph was leaked online and features the actress without a gram of makeup.

The natural appearance of the ex Brad Pitt's face left her fans speechless, who overflowed social networks with their comments.

To the surprise of the public, the protagonist of Maleficent does not need makeup or Photoshop editing to show her genuine beauty. Most of the artists require a retouch in the photos of her to enhance the splendor of her and not to disappoint her followers.

Photo of Angelina Jolie without makeup leaks and her fans are speechless

Angelina Jolie, always beautiful

At 44 years old, Angelina Jolie gave fans of hers new proof that her porcelain skin goes beyond editing gimmicks. In the photo, the actress has healthy, well-groomed skin.

In fact, there are hardly any lines of expression around her captivating blue eyes. Her lips look hydrated and seductive.

“You look the same”, “Many would like to reach your age looking so spectacular”, “Always beautiful”, “Nothing to envy to young actresses”, some of Jolie's followers commented on the Internet.

Without a doubt, Angelina Jolie is considered one of the most beautiful and attractive women on the planet. Her regal personality of hers and the sensuality of her gaze made Hollywood love her from the first moment.

But although she always looks beautiful, even without makeup; However, she Angelina has allowed herself to be helped by the scalpel to correct imperfections. Various reports indicate that she has undergone subtle cosmetic surgeries on her nose, cheekbones, chin, and eyes.

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