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Kanye West’s has ‘Holy Trinity’ of reasons for wanting Kim Kardashian

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 Kanye West’s has ‘Holy Trinity’ of reasons for wanting Kim Kardashian

Kanye West’s has ‘Holy Trinity’ of reasons for wanting Kim Kardashian

Sources reveal Kanye West has an entire ‘Holy Trinity’ of reasons why he wants to get back together with Kim Kardashian.

The Trinity has been broken down by a source close to the rapper and according to their revelations during an interview with The Post they admitted, “He calls the reasons for winning back Kim ‘The Holy Trinity'.”

The source also went on to detail all the reasons in order for the interviewer and explained, “He isn’t sure if any other woman is going to be able to put up with him.”

“He is a lot — and Kim is already used to everything, he doesn’t have to explain things to her. She knows how to put up with him when he is going through his dark days.”

“The second reason is the kids” and the third and final reason is that, “As a religious person he doesn’t want to get a divorce.”

However, that is not all, before concluding the insider also admitted that one of his biggest motivating factors is that He also cares about his image. He thinks [Kardashian] looks good next to him.”

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