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Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

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 Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

One of the most famous directors in Hollywood is recognized for the gothic and flamboyant style of his films, but there is something that identifies him: he ALWAYS uses the same actors. What is the explanation? Do they have a lifetime contract? Here we tell you everything.

The strange and peculiar world of Tim Burton

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

Burton often transforms the big screen into strange worlds full of eccentric characters. His talent has managed to completely transform children's classics - such as "Alice in Wonderland" -, remake movie classics - such as "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" - and even bring urban legends to life - such as "The Corpse of the bride ”-. No matter what the story is about, Burton always has a repeating pattern: his choice of actors.

How did your love for Johnny Depp start?

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

The character of "Edward Scissorhands" turned out to be a challenge for any actor, he did not utter a word, maintained a constant melancholy gesture and the suit was not particularly comfortable, but from the beginning, Burton knew that Depp would achieve it:

“When he appeared he had a reputation as a teenage idol for appearing on 'Tiger Beat', but when I saw him I could tell without even meeting him that he was not that kind of person. He was quite simple, he fit the profile of what he was looking for for the character ”.

In addition to the acting challenges the character required, the environment in which the film was set would have exhausted anyone:

“We were in Florida in 90 degree heat. He couldn't use his hands - because of the scissors attire - he had to wear leather from head to toe and was completely covered in makeup. I was impressed by his strength and his endurance. " Depp could spend the entire day - from 7am to 7pm - in Edward's suit, without complaining.

From that moment on, Depp won the admiration of Burton.

Love is mutual: How does it feel to work with Burton?

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

I'm always ready for whatever he wants to do, whatever character he wants it to be. "

Johnny depp

The actor describes that working with Burton turns out to be a challenge and constant feedback, for all members of the team:

"Every time you launch into a project with Tim, you try something different. You try hard to do something and the most important thing is that you try to keep him interested in what you do. You try to stimulate the atmosphere, which is wonderful because that's what it is. what movies are about ”- explained Johnny Depp, who has worked on 8 films with Burton so far.

His main muse: Helena Bonham Carter

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

Why does Burton love working with her?

"What I like the most about her is that when I met her –in 2001 for the filming of“ Planet of the Apes ”- she already had an established career. She dares to do things that are not necessarily glamorous or attractive. I admire her for that, ”Burton explains.

For many it can be difficult to work with a person who was an important part of the sentimental life, but for Burton and Carter it is not a problem: "We learned to separate the home from work, and make private life a sanctuary."

Does Helena like working with Burton? Yes, the actress explains that it turns out to be an adventure every time she offers him a role, because her roles tend to be "out of the box."

Here are some photos of the iconic trio together:

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

Why does Tim Burton ALWAYS work with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter?

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