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What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

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What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

Born in 1976 in Iowa, United States, Michelle Monaghan first turned to journalism, then modeling, before embarking on an acting career. She began by appearing in the early 2000s in the series New York, special unit and for small roles in the cinema in Perfume, as well as in Unfaithful, alongside Richard Gere. 

Encouraged by this, Michelle Monaghan decided to devote herself body and soul to the profession of actress and was first noticed by her role in the television series Boston Public.

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

In 2005, the film Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, in which she co-starred with Robert Downey Jr, gave her her first major role. She continues with Mission impossible 3 then Gone Baby Gone, by Ben Affleck (2007). In 2008, Michelle Monaghan embarked on production with the independent film Trucker, in which she played a lone trucker suspected of terrorism. 

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

What is a picture of Michelle Monaghan that deserves 100k upvotes?

The actress also plays in many comedies: The Women of Her Dreams in 2007 or Deadline in 2010, where she finds Robert Downey Jr. In 2014, she plays alongside Woody Harrelson in the television series True Detective, acclaimed by both critics and the public.

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