These claims were raised during a public interview with Angela Levin, where she highlighted certain aspects of the family's lifestyle. Levin questioned the necessity for Prince Harry and his family to pay a substantial amount of money, around £117,000, in local taxes.
She also pointed out that despite having an extensive array of amenities in their home, including a library, cinema, gym, spa, pool, tennis court, seven bedrooms, and 16 bathrooms (which were subsequently reduced to 13), it seemed peculiar that they would still choose to stay in hotels.
Levin speculated that one of the hotels is continuously booked for Prince Harry, possibly serving as a refuge for him during challenging times.
She wondered whether he was being yelled at or if he was experiencing feelings of depression. Additionally, Levin noted that Prince Harry had another hotel reservation with a gym.
In her discussion, she expressed concern over the situation, stating that it was tragic because it meant he wouldn't be able to wake up with the kids in the morning due to the physical distance between them, which seemed to be growing larger and wider.