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Furious King Charles Delivers Final Blow to Prince Harry & Meghan Markle, Severing All Ties in a Devastating Message

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Furious King Charles Delivers Final Blow to Prince Harry & Meghan Markle, Severing All Ties in a Devastating Message

King Charles's recent message to his son, Prince Harry, and his wife, the one and only Meghan Markle.  So, let me start by saying, I'll be really surprised by any of this. Of course, King Charles is playing some strategic game here, leaving the door open for a reunion with Harry but making it crystal clear that the narcissistic nightmare, Meghan, is not welcome back into the Royal fold.

This entire saga with Harry and Meghan has been one long, drawn-out shame for the Royal family. It's like watching a slow-motion car crash. You can't look away, even though you know it's just going to be a horrible mess in the end.

From the moment Meghan wormed her way into the palace by sinking her claws into Harry, she has been an absolute toxic menace. Look, I get it, Harry was the rebel Prince, the spare heir who didn't really have a substantial role laid out for him in the monarchy. So, I guess when an American actress batted her eyelashes at him, he probably thought he'd hit the jackpot - a glamorous wife, a chance to shine in the spotlight for once, instead of lingering in his brother's shadow.

But man, oh man, did he pick the wrong partner for that dream to become an absolute reality. Meghan Markle is the epitome of a selfish, conniving, fame-hungry diva. Every move she makes is calculated for maximum attention and martyrdom.

As soon as she became a duchess, it was clear she thought she deserved to be treated like royalty times 1,000, never doing the actual duty and work the real Royals commit to. Meghan just wanted the glory and the glamour. And when that pesky Royal institution refused to cater to her every whim, of course, that's when things got crazy.

It put her into a royal rampage. The queen herself, well, the tantrums of manipulation started. She was horrified. The poor M acted in the R's allegations, the complete lack of grace and decorum Meghan showed. Her true colors as a spoiled, entitled brat.

So, Harry, utterly whipped and controlled by his wife at this point, got dragged along into Meghan's delusional anti-Royal rampage, quitting his senior roles, that ridiculous Oprah interview, the constant grievance peddling from their California compound. It's all been so pathetic to witness. And let's be honest here, it's 100% because of Meghan that this rift happened in the first place.

Harry was always a bit of a lost soul, but he seemed content as the fun uncle figure in the Royal family before his wife showed up. Now he's a self-righteous, virtue-signaling shadow, a man parroting Meghan's toxic agenda. The only reason King Charles is even tolerating the idea of meeting Harry is because he's his son. Blood is blood, as they say. But you can bet your last dollar that the king wants nothing to do with the scheming Meghan ever again. He knows she's a complete nightmare.

Just look at how she treated her own family, throwing her dad under the bus, cutting everyone off, classic narcissist behavior. So of course, Charles is saying he may reconcile with just Harry because he likely hopes that by separating him from Megan's poisonous influence, the real Harry can resurface - the fun-loving, goofy prince we all knew and loved before his soul was so rightfully stolen.

But make no mistake, Meghan has zero chance of ever being allowed back in the palace. She made such a huge, embarrassing scene on her way out the door that I'd be shocked if she ever set foot near the Royal family again. The bridges she burnt are nothing but ashes at this point.

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if a huge condition of any reconciliation with Harry is that he has to cut ties with Meghan - either leave her behind for good in California or forget about any sort of reunion. Because there's no way in hell Charles, or William, or anyone else, will trust Meghan again.

Can you imagine her paling around at Royal events, trying to be a princess again, after all the shade she threw at the institution, after accusing them of racism, bashing them, acting like such an outrageous diva? Not a chance. The optics of that would be a total, complete disgrace. Meghan literally torched the possibility of coming back when she made such a nasty, ugly exit.

And let's face it, if she had any class or dignity, she would have slithered away quietly after getting what she wanted, which was wealth and fame and marrying a prince. But no, she couldn't just take the win and move on. She had to constantly twist the knife and try to one-up the Royals at every turn.

So now she's been exiled for good. The Queen's passing opened up a slight window for Harry, given he's still technically Charles's son. But that window is only open a crack, and there's no way Meghan's bulbous ego could ever fit through it.

Really, we all saw this coming from a mile away, didn't we? We knew as soon as Harry got with Meghan that she was a total wrong 'un, as the Brits would say. This narcissistic actress who had already duped her first husband for bigger game was never going to be content living a modest, beautiful life as a royal. She was always looking for more - more fame, more money, more spotlight.

So when the Royals expected her to just, you know, do some actual princess work, show up to some events, and be part of the team, she threw a royal tantrum. How dare they not worship her? How dare they have protocols and traditions that don't center everything around Queen Meghan 24/7? She was going to shake things up and get what she came for.

And of course, sadly, she used Harry as her entrée into that world, only to light it all on fire when she didn't get treated like hot stuff instantly. She poisoned his mind against his own family, planted ridiculous ideas about being a truth bomb hero by airing the dirty laundry, as if she cared one iota about the reputation and the legacy of the thousand-year monarchy she married into.

So, good on King Charles for putting his foot down and making it clear Meghan's out in the cold. Sure, he has a weak mewing parent to both Harry and William. By most accounts, he let Diana walk all over him and indulge the boys' whims, setting them up to become entitled, let's be real. And now, with his second wife's guidance, he's taking a firmer hand.

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