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Ivanka Trump no longer impresses: her political ambitions showered

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 Ivanka Trump no longer impresses: her political ambitions showered

Ivanka Trump no longer impresses: her political ambitions showered

Ivanka Trump would see herself taking over the White House, but her dream is being undermined by American policies reminding her that it will not be as easy as she imagines.

As he left the White House, Donald Trump swore he would come back one way or another. Eyes then turned to his daughter Ivanka, who was his High Advisor during her tenure, and who never concealed her political ambitions. However, if she saw herself as the first woman president of the United States, she must deal with an image that does not really impress American political actors.

This Sunday, January 24, Marco Rubio, United States Senator, answered questions from Chris Wallace on Fox News and did not escape a reference to the political ambitions of Ivanka Trump. Would she eye her post as Senator? He assured that he did not dwell on the issue and that he was mostly concerned about another Democrat whom he would see as his main rival. A snub to Jared Kushner's wife? "Before being elected senator, there are the Republican primaries", recalled Marco Rubio. Any way to make her understand that it wasn't going as easy as she thought it would be?

Ivanka Trump no longer impresses: her political ambitions showered

Marco Rubio "likes" Ivanka

During this interview, and even if Marco Rubio made it clear to Ivanka Trump that she was going to have to do her best until the senatorial elections of 2024, he still had tender words towards her. “I appreciate Ivanka and we worked really well together on various issues,” he explained. And to add: "Anyone can stand for these elections if they wish". The senator then looked back on his years alongside Melania Trump's husband. “I would like to highlight the last four years of working with President Trump in the White House and I can tell you that these are probably the most productive four years,” he said.

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