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Trump's trick to living in Mar-a-Lago: becoming ... "employee"

 Trump's trick to living in Mar-a-Lago: becoming ... "employee"

Trump's trick to living in Mar-a-Lago: becoming ... "employee"

The former US president will try to bypass a binding agreement that prevents him from living on his property in Florida, by a subtle sleight of hand.

The tension has been high in Palm Beach since January 20. In question: after his departure from the White House, Donald Trump did not want to settle in his building in New York, the city where he nevertheless grew up, but under the Florida sun, in his sumptuous villa in Mar-a- The girlfriend. The problem is that this site has club status, a title that Donald Trump wanted and was able to acquire in 1993 thanks to an agreement with his neighbors, with the counterpart of not being able to live there for more than x days per year. Now he wants to reside there permanently and to achieve his ends he intends to use all the tricks, including if he has to move from the title of president to that of… employee!

Donald Trump, "mayor of a Mar-a-Lago town"

According to his lawyer, John Marion, this function could indeed represent a legal solution so that Donald Trump can ignore the strong opposition of his neighbors to his installation. In US law, the "employee" of a place is said to be "any person generally working on site for the establishment and includes owners, associates, and associates with limited liability." According to John Marion, Donald Trump could therefore acquire this status by virtue of his management of the Mar-a-Lago site. “He monitors the property, evaluates the employees, makes suggestions to improve the operation of the club, welcomes members and guests,” he explains. “He is very active on the scene. To describe the situation, this guy, who is loitering on the property, is like the mayor of a town Mar-a-Lago. He is always present. He loves being there and he loves the people he sees there. He profits. It's my house ".

The trick, however, does not at all delight the residents of the neighborhood who consider themselves cheated. For years, they have accepted to see their city at the center of numerous international visits, with heads of state, press, activists, etc. Now that he is no longer president, they do not want to let it go, but now it seems that they are already out of control. While the former president's noisy helipad will be destroyed, they still fear the arrival of his activists.

For the neighbors' lawyer, this is too much. “They bought their homes after the contract was signed with the expectation that it would be honored and the city to ensure that it was. This contract guaranteed my clients the possibility of living in peace and with respect for their private life. Unfortunately, this was not the case due to numerous violations over several decades, ”he laments on Tuesday. Their fears are legitimate: Donald Trump intends to continue welcoming beautiful people to Mar-a-Lago. Entrance fees even doubled to $ 200,000. As such, we can expect the club's very festive evenings to continue in full swing.

regime, much to the dismay of the people of Palm Beach.

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