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Melania Trump explains (finally) about the “I don't care” jacket that sparked controversy

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 Melania Trump explains (finally) about the “I don't care” jacket that sparked controversy

Melania Trump explains (finally) about the “I don't care” jacket that sparked controversy

In a recording made without her knowledge, Melania Trump explains why she decided to wear her jacket, "I don't care, do you?", Which caused a scandal in June 2018.

During her four years in the White House, Melania Trump was observed closely. Whether in terms of his actions, but also his clothes. And one outfit particularly caught the eye: her famous Zara "I don't care, do you?" Jacket. The suit, worn in June 2018 during a visit to a camp for undocumented children on the Mexican border, caused a scandal. The web was set ablaze, in the midst of the controversy over Donald Trump's migration policy. More than two years later, the main concerned finally explains his approach, which will have made a victim: his stylist, Hervé Pierre.

In a new audio recording unveiled by her former advisor Stephanie Winston Wolkoff (she wrote the book Melania & Me), Melania Trump says more (unbeknownst to her) about the reasons for this dress choice. "We have already talked about it. (Hervé Pierre) has nothing to do with the jacket. He knows that it had nothing to do with the jacket," said the ex-First lady to Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, in an audio, the content of which was published by the American site Hollywood Life. And to continue: "I'm just telling you what he told me".

Melania Trump explains (finally) about the “I don't care” jacket that sparked controversy

"I made people on the left crazy, that's for sure"

"I had this idea myself, it's not like he's the one to decide for everything," says Melania Trump. And to reveal a little more to Stephanie Winston Wolkoff on the reason for buying this garment: "I drove people on the left crazy, that's for sure. But you know, that's what everyone loves. Oh my God. They are really the worst. They are crazy ", she justified herself.

Melania Trump's approach would therefore have been dictated by the desire to be seen. To the dismay of Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who wanted to rehabilitate Hervé Pierre, vilified at the time of the controversy on social networks. "(After the scandal), I first reacted by asking Hervé what had happened. He replied by text message: 'Is this a Photoshop?'", Remembers the former one. consultant on "HollywoodLife Podcast". "He started getting hate messages on Facebook, on his Instagram. People were discrediting him and saying horrible things to him. He was distraught."

According to the former advisor, Donald Trump's wife "believed that if she had not worn this jacket, she would have been on the news for two minutes". “It's all about the attention with Melania, not the intention. That's what people need to understand. And that's what I came to understand,” concludes Stephanie Winston Wolkoff.

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