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Vladimir Putin: "Donald Trump is a talented man"

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 Vladimir Putin: "Donald Trump is a talented man"

Vladimir Putin: "Donald Trump is a talented man"

The Russian President gave a rare interview to the American channel NBC

"I have great hope that, yes, there are certain advantages, certain disadvantages, but that there are no more impulsive maneuvers on the part of the American president in office," he said, according to a report. translation provided by NBC News.

Joe Biden is expected to raise several US complaints against Vladimir Putin, including suspicions of Russian interference in the US elections and cyber attacks, at the June 16 summit in Geneva at the end of his first international trip.

Vladimir Putin has openly admitted his support for Donald Trump in 2016. The Republican billionaire has repeatedly expressed his admiration for the Russian leader and notoriously appeared to accept his denials of possible electoral interference.

As for the epithet of "killer" chosen by Joe Biden to qualify him in the light of a series of assassinations including that of the Russian opponent Boris Nemtsov, the master of the Kremlin saw it as the result of "macho behavior" specific to Hollywood.

Such speech “is part of American political culture where it is considered normal. But not here, by the way. It’s not considered normal here, ”he said.

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